Affiliate Wiseguy

Affiliate Wiseguy

Becoming the Don of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate WiseguySearch Engines that Rule the Web Enough talking around it, let’s take a look at who really matters in the search engine world.

According to, the top ten US search engines are:

1. Google

2. Yahoo!

3. MSN

4. AOL Search

5. Ask

(Second tier search engines listed alphabetically, not in order of performance)

Alta Vista



Netscape Search

And according to data collected by from a Hitwise press release, the breakdown of traffic share by major search engines looks like this:





Add these numbers up, and you’ll see that approximately 98% of searches are generated by just four major search engines.

Not only that, but of the second-tier performers, and even some in the first, several smaller engines are powered by the major engines. For example, AOL Search is powered by Google, as is Netscape; Alta Vista and Netscape are powered by Yahoo!

The lesson to learn, then, is to work to please the major players, and the rest should fall in line. And even if they don’t, you’ll be accessing the greatest percentage of web searchers, and that’s your ultimate goal.

How it all Works, or Doesn’t

Naturally, to understand how to please these search engines and rank well in the SERP’s, or Search Engine Rank Pages, you need to have a basic understanding of how it all works (or, if you do it wrong, how it doesn’t!).

For now, we’ll give you that basic understanding. Later on, in the chapter on SEO (chapter 8), we’ll talk specifically about the kind of keyword selection that will work to get you found and
get you traffic.

Regards, Coyalita

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