My Dear Son


Jan 5, 2024

My Dear Son – Book 01

 Science of Good Living.


My dear Son, In the east, it is customary for a father to earn wealth as much as possible, lead a frugal living, and enrich their children’s future. Whether they need it or not, people earn and save wealth for the bright future of their generation next.

It is also believed that most valuable of the asset, typically the parents leave for their children, is the stories with which the children lead a good life.

I am presenting here some of the stories that I heard from my father along with a few other stories that I read. They may be relevant to the current times.

Most problems are because of our not being conscious of some basic truths. They are called, in short, knowledge. Men of knowledge explain that all our problems can be traced to the fact that we live with our wrong knowledge.

Some of our serious problems could be raced to our society which is aping the west mindlessly. That too, selectively even the west does not cherish.

For generations, our grandmas brought up and supplemented the education of the children with stories of valor, kindness and knowledge.

I am doing just that, so that you and people of your age derive immense benefit from the lesson received by us.

Note: It is possible that, you might have read or heard some of the stories. It is also possible you might have experienced some of the situations found in the stories or narrations.

The intention of writing this book is not meant for telling just some stories. For all that you might have heard or read some of the stories, from one of the several sources.

The objective is to link these stories to certain themes, so that the themes get into your mind and internalized.

Any internalized knowledge will help you in appropriate life situations, through subconscious acts.

Knowledge – a key to good living.

(1) Learn from other’s experience: Learning from one’s own experience is both painful and takes longer time. Learning from other’s experience increases the pace of learning. Read the history, short stories, news around the world. Absorb and abstract the knowledge relevant to you and your life situation. I am sure you will discover that it makes your life journey pleasant and enjoyable.

(2) Learn while you are young. As one grows, the ability to absorb and retain the knowledge decreases. So read and absorb all good things while you are young and able.

You may read in this book a few themes. Each theme has a list of information under the caption, know this. These can be retained in your mind until these are absorbed into our subconscious mind.

Finally, one or more stories relevant to the theme are given. These stories would help remembering the theme. Stories form good message carriers.

What’s Included…

1 Theme: Anger can be won over.
Story: The Wise Donkey.

2 Theme: Wrong judgments .
Story: GUILT.

3 Theme: Wrong judgments
Story: Indecent Fellow passenger

4 Theme: Wrong judgments.
Story: The wayfarer.

5 Theme: Fight to finish
Story: Edison’s light bulb.

7 Theme: Facing adverse situation
Story: The Water carrier

8 Theme: Pick the right lesson.
Story: The hunter and the hunted!

9 Theme: Help people around you
Story: The Unexpected help.

10 Theme: Help people around you.
My Dear Son one

11 Theme: Acting selflessly.
Story: Man and Mango

12 Theme: Perform sincerely, always!
Story: The Jack’s last assignment

13 Theme: Avoid a fool’s company.
Story: The Fox in the town.

14 Theme: The luck
Story: There is nothing called the luck.

15 Theme: Tire before you retire!.
Story: Tire before retire.

16 Theme: No one is superior to any other..
Story: The Boatman And The Teacher.

17 Theme: No one is superior
Story: The Stone cutter.

18 Theme: Live today. Now.
Story: The traveler on the mountain.

19 Theme: Mindless Compassions.
Natarajan Nagarethinam
Story: Compassion that killed.

Story: The monk and the scorpion

21 Theme: Greed see no end.
Story: Endless desires.

22 Theme: Greed see no end.
Story: Greedy Sufi.

23 Theme: Our real problem
Story: Revolt against the god.



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