Mega Launch Blueprint Subject Lines

Mega Launch Blueprint Subject Lines

Getting past the spam filters is one thing – getting sales with your promotional e-mails is a whole different ball game. In truth, the only way your promotional e-mails are going to have a high open rate is if they are crafted with a strong subject line. You could have e-mailed thousands of leads in your list but if your subject line does not grab their attention and entice them to click on your e-mail, then all your work would be for naught.

Here are some simple tips which you can apply to your subject line to ensure your promotional e-mails get opened and make conversions!

Stay Away from Overused Sales Jargon

People never want to be sold to. They may like purchasing, but they hate being sold to. Try staying away from words like “discount,” “deal,” “learn,” “act now,” “report” – the simple words that are usually associated with sales and content marketing.

There is an extremely high chance that your prospects are subscribed to other mailing lists as well, so your promotional e-mails are not the only ones they receive. Imagine getting three e-mails in the same week (or day!) and all of them having the same sales jargon subject line.

Keep Subject Lines Short

Your subject lines should be short and crisp. When people open their e-mail inbox, they usually just scan through subject lines before deciding if an e-mail is worth reading. If your subject line has over ten words, you need to chop it down. You could even use the popular fifty characters or less as a pointer. The easier it is for your prospects to read your subject line, the likelier they are to click “open.”

Include an Action Word

An e-mail subject line should also function as a call-to-action. Including action words or verbs in your subject line tells your prospect that there is something for them to do. Most e[1]mails only require the recipient to read copy – having an actionable subject line is way more exciting and creates a sense of urgency. It also sets them up for acting later – whether it is clicking on a link in your e-mail or downloading a file.

Mega Launch Blueprint

Regards Coyalita

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