Lee McIntyre, a former schoolteacher from the northwest of England in the U.K. made a big splash in the Internet marketing field. He is currently selling info products on eBay in the teaching niche.

He launched several new products including his product creation membership site, Standing Start Profits, and his latest product which is an e-book called Auction Secret Profits.

It was teaching resources—mainly PDFs, things like posters, printable worksheets—things that teachers could use in their classrooms.


TIP # 1 Take Action , which is a huge factor in being successful. You have to take the leap of faith, act, and believe in yourself.

For the first few months, it went quite well. It was during the holidays at the time and the demand for the products we were selling seemed to be quite seasonal. He sold quite a lot. After that, he got into the Internet marketing niche and wanted to sell other kinds of products and expand his business.

As many new beginners when they first start off find a market online, they end up spending all the money on products.

Tip #2 The main end is not just to sell the products, it was to upsell people to premium products and build a list at the same time. It was when we got to that point that the business takes off again.

Tip #3 He was selling individual products on eBay while using the traffic from those sales and pulled it to a premium product, which was successful.

Tip #4 For people who are new to Internet marketing and perhaps don’t understand the processes involved…

Tip #5 How did you go about getting people onto the list? We sold the products through eBay and then delivered them digitally using DL Guard, which is a great product that I highly recommend. On the download page, we had a headline saying, “Thank you very much for your purchase.”

What did you offer them if they didn’t buy the upsell?Tip # 6 Above the actual “download” icon, we had a little dotted red line which contained an opt-in box that offered people free upgrades for life…..

Tip # 7 It’s important to build a relationship with your list, so you’re doing that was giving people on your list free content.

Tip # 8 With the Internet marketing niche, create a newsletter subscribers look for lots of content and it keeps the promotional emails two a minimum.

Tip # 9 one must think about long term in terms of keeping subscriber’s responsive subsequent products.

Tip # 10 building a relationship with your list is one thing, but you need to be able to……

Tip # 10 That’s really where the money is made. It’s important that you don’t try and sell too much…

Tip # 11 you need to give something first to your visitors, so they like you and want to keep reading your newsletters, and then they’ll be responsive when you do make an offer to them.

Tip # 12 visitor value test and track your online results?…..

Tip # 13 a brilliant free tool called Google Analytics…….

Tip # 14 extra few subscribers per day really do build up. What to typically aim for….

Tip # 15 How often would you change and tweak your squeeze pages to try and improve….

Tip # 16 Traffic – the biggest source of traffic would be…..

Tip # 17 If you are new in the Internet marketing niche and nobody knows you,…..

Tip # 18 How did you keep the list so responsive?

Tip # 19 promote good, solid products…..

Tip # 20 a lot of the marketers will go for the big-name product launches, but……

Tip # 21 Be different. I think that’s key.……

Tip # 22 Build a Membership site, offer….

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What is Included

  • Website Download Page
  • Website 2 Opt-in Pages
  • Website Sales Page
  • Ebay Listing Instructions
  • How to Re-Brand
  • MRR License
  • PDF Brand
  • And More…

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