IM Business Models Chapter 8 Blogging

IM Business Models Chapter 8 Blogging

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind for many people when discussing ways to make money online is blogging. (“Business Models”)

A successful blog is an incredibly valuable tool because it provides you with a platform through which you can promote any other type of business model. (“IM Business Models: Blogging”)

For instance, if you chose to become an affiliate marketer, then building up a popular blog with a large, regular readership is one of the absolute best ways to sell those products. Likewise, if you want to be a drop seller, then you can really benefit from a blog by simply creating an ecommerce store and using the blog to promote that.

We have already seen that you need to have an informative website or blog in place if you plan on CPA marketing. The same goes double for subscription sites. (“IM Business Models: Blogging”)

There are more options with blogging too. One is to use PPC advertising such as AdSense. AdSense are ads from Google that pay out each time someone clicks on them. You simply add some ‘ad script’ to your website and then it will show different adverts at contrasting times. (“IM Business Models: Blogging”)

Or did you just want to use display ads? Get big enough and many brands will pay you monthly to feature their adverts on your site. Likewise, you can use a blog to launch all kinds of other business ventures, or you can get paid by sponsors to recommend products. A website can even be used to sell a service – if you provide web design or writing services then your website can be a beautiful place to demonstrate your talent and your knowledge. (“IM Business Models: Blogging”)

There are countless examples of people who have become very wealthy through running a blog. Pat Flynn, who owns ( is one such example. Pat is a guy who talks about making money online and who owns several blogs and websites including one aimed at food trucks which he publishes his earnings from. Pat’s blog is quite easy to read and provides a ton of valuable information and as a result, he has achieved superstar status and is invited to big events. This is just an ordinary family guy! Pat makes his money through adverts on the sites and via sales of information products. (“IM Business Models: Blogging”)

Another notable example is The Art of Manliness ( This blog was founded by Brett McKay in 2008 and focusses on a range of topics relating to what it means to be a man in the 21st century. It is a unique niche that allows him to cover diverse topics ranging from beard trimming, to weightlifting, to how to smoke a cigar and drink whiskey. (“IM Business Models: Blogging”) The site is now phenomenally successful and provides far more than a full-time income to Brett and his family. He makes his income through distinct types of advertising, commission on physical products and through sales of his own products through an ecommerce store. (“IM Business Models: Blogging”)

Best Wishes, Coyalita

See Tomorrow “11th How to Get Started and Succeed!”


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