37 Tips for Social Selling on LinkedIn

Hacks for LinkedIn Social Selling Newbies and Experts Alike.

37 Tips for Social Selling on LinkedIn – Social selling and LinkedIn go hand-in-hand, like peanut butter and jelly, Tom Brady and Super Bowl rings, or Kenan and Kel.

But in order to get the magic happening, you need to know how to use LinkedIn to sell. And while there are tons of how-to guides and blog posts online, few of them expose the true tips, hacks, and secrets to being a social selling master.

In this e-book are top tips for using social selling on LinkedIn. Whether you’re a LinkedIn selling expert, newbie, or somewhere in between, you should walk away with some new knowledge on how to engage, interact with, and sign new prospects with the help of LinkedIn after reading this eBook.

Tips for Beginners

New to LinkedIn social selling, or to LinkedIn in general? Here are some tips to get you started with using the platform and incorporating it into your selling strategy.

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Leads who see your profile on LinkedIn should be impressed with what you’ve put on there, and thus, you should convey your understanding of this social networking platform with an optimized profile. At the very least, ensure your profile has the following:

• An up-to-date, professional profile picture with clear resolution.

• A 1-2 paragraph summary explaining how you and your company help clients.

• A downplayed presence of your previous roles. Your profile should be optimized for selling your product to prospects – not yourself to recruiters.

2. Post Daily Status Updates

You should aim to publish at least once a day on LinkedIn to keep your connections up to date with the latest industry content you’ve been reading and to keep your name synonymous with industry expertise and news.

Remember to follow the 80/20 rule of social sharing. 80% of the content you promote should be industry news or helpful content that doesn’t feature your product – at least not too heavily.

This type of content includes news articles or blog posts that your connections with would be helpful and/or offer insightful industry knowledge. 20% of the content you promote should be about your business, like new product announcements, case studies, and customer success stories. This balance helps earn you respect and trust, while showing you’re looking to help other potential customers succeed.

3. Develop a Daily Routine

Social selling can be overwhelming if you don’t have a plan. Set aside time to build an outline for a 15–30-minute daily routine for your social selling efforts LinkedIn.

For example, you may want to spend 15 minutes reading the latest news and updates in your industry, 5 minutes crafting and publishing a post to share the article you want to highlight, and 10 more minutes reaching out to prospects pointing them to the piece of content with an explanation of why it’s applicable to their situation. Whatever works best for you and your leads!

4. Don’t Forget About Your Brand

It’s easy to forget that social selling on LinkedIn is about connecting your prospects to your company through you, not the other way around. Keep your brand’s tone in mind when conversing with leads to create a consistent brand experience from the first conversation.

5. Stay in Touch With Marketing

Your company’s marketing department should be making new content and collateral to help you earn trust with leads and close more deals. Check in with marketing frequently, set a regular cadence to see what new content or campaigns they have on their calendars, and ask how you can best position or frame the content in sales conversations.

6. Join LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn lets you join up to 50 different groups on the site, and there are a bunch of perks to joining. Here are a few that come to mind:

• You can see what potential customers are talking about and offer a comment when appropriate.

• You can submit your own posts or articles to further cement yourself as a thought leader.

• You can send messages to other members of your group, even if you are not connected.

In other words, groups allow you to learn from, engage with, and send content to leads in an inbound way. You’ll be seen as a member of a community, rather than another salesperson sending an in Mail message.

7. Be Personal

Remember – even though you’re using an online tool in the process, this is social selling, not automated selling. Do your homework on all of the leads you reach out to and provide a personalized message or piece of content to everyone in your initial outreach.

People are smart – they know when they’re being sold to, and they don’t like it when it feels impersonal. Because LinkedIn is a software, you should make even more of an effort to be personal to break through that screen and make a connection.

8. Know Your Social Selling Index (SSI) Score

Your Social Selling Index Score is determined by how well you meet four different criteria:

• Establishing your professional brand.
• Finding the right people.
• Engaging with insights.
• Building relationships.

Knowing and working to improve your score directly lend to stronger results for salespeople. We’ll go over ways to improve your score on the next page.

You can learn more about finding your SSI score here

Improving Your Social Selling Index Score

Once you’re familiar with your score, commit to consistently taking action to try and make it better. Here are some ways to improve your score in each part of the index’s framework.

9. Establish Your Professional Brand

To increase this score, ask delighted customers to write you a recommendation, which shows those who visit your profile how you’re able to solve industry pain points.

10. Find the Right People

Boost this score by reaching out to those who have viewed your profile and are qualified to make a purchase. Chances are they’re curious about you or the company you work for, which is why they clicked to see your profile.

11. Engage with Insights

Before sharing an article or piece of content with prospects, research them and their specific industry to ensure what you’re sharing is relevant to them specifically. Be sure to reference the incident or reason you’re sharing the content in your message, so they know you took a catered approach.

12. Build Relationships

Improve this score by focusing your outreach efforts on decision makers. This way, both you and those you reach out to don’t waste any time.

Here Is What’s Included

Don’t Give Up

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Save Leads

Sync Sales Navigator with Your CRM

Log Calls to Sales Navigator

Integrate Email and Sales Navigator

Save Your Searches

Utilize Shared Experience

Employ the “Past Not Current” Filter

Save Your Searches

Utilize Your Lead Recommendations

Target Companies Better with Account Details Page

Keep Your Records Together with Notes and Tags

Apply the Team Link Filter

Tips for Getting Your Team into Linkedin Social Selling

And Much More…

Grab Your Copy Now

37 Tips for Social Selling on LinkedIn


Regards, Coyalita

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