Definitive Guide to Email Marketing

Definitive Guide to Email MarketingIntroduction to Email Marketing. My previous two training tutorials covered setting up the MailMunch plug-in and then the  SumoMe plug-in.

After a great response to the training, I was hit up with several questions on how to set up the newsletter or autoresponder services to incorporate with the respective free plug-ins.

MailMunch: FREE Pop-Up Email Subscribe Optin

SumoMe: FREE Combo Sharing & Email Opt-in – SumoMe

MailMunch is great if you already have a favorite Social Sharing plug-in installed and simply wish to begin incorporating an email submit form for email marketing.

SumoMe is really cool, because it offers BOTH a Social Sharing Plug-in AND email submit form. It also provides many cool variations that you can quickly setup.

So, you can decide which is a better fit for you. Both are FREE!

Update for clarification:

GetResponse and AWeber (and likely MailChimp) give you the ability to create a form that you can simply put into your WordPress Post, Page or Sidebar — No Plug-in required.

BUT, they do the neat things that SumoMe and MailMunch can do, like the pretty animations and easily adding in an image.

So, the plug-ins such as SumoMe and MailMunch help with presentation.

Also, please understand that the autoresponders and newsletters aren’t created within WordPress. These are all kept on the servers of the respective email marketing services – MailChimp, GetResponse, AWeber, etc.

Email marketing can seem like a huge task when you are just starting. And, I DO NOT recommend setting this up until you have a decent amount of content already on your website and you have finished your Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp training. It’s not that this is so “advanced”, it more about what’s important for the search engines and gaining traffic.

So, if you’re new to us, Welcome, but please simply bookmark this and return to it down the road.

“Okay Peej, so what’s the big deal about Email marketing?”

Firstly, let me throw this at ya:

There’s plenty of data to back up the benefits of email marketing.

For example:

• 91 percent of US adults like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with (Marketing Sherpa, 2015)
• Email is almost 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter combined in helping your business acquires new customers. (McKinsey, 2014)

As you may have heard, being a successful online entrepreneur includes conveying trust and building relationships. Sure, you can likely market to the random visitor and reel in a sale or two, but for a long-term loyal client, creating trust and relationship building will keep that client coming back for more and seeing you as an authority.

Email Marketing is the perfect tool for this. It has worked for years and STILL works today. Visit some of the largest websites in your chosen niche and I’ll bet they have an opt-in form ready, waiting and upfront – you likely can’t miss it!

Here are some quick reasons to use email:

1. Build credibility
2. Generate Calls
3. Increase Donations
4. Strengthen Relationships
5. Begin and Improve Communication
6. Branding
7. Boost Sales
8. Discover What Works
9. Reach People on Any Device
10. Look Professional
11. Increase Website Traffic
12. Market with a More Personal Touch
13. Lead Generation
14. Build Excitement
15. Promote Services
16. Grow Your Audience
17. Stay Organized
18. Increase Your Value
19. Attract New Clients
20. Save Time
21. Improve Visibility

You may have heard this phrase among marketing communities:

While this can be debated if you take the standpoint of using ONLY email marketing, I feel that a mature email list that is cultivated and grown correctly IS indeed like GOLD! Once your list is built (and it need not be a huge list) you can just about make immediate sales with the right promotional email, newsletter or autoresponder.

Read More Inside…

Autoresponders VS Newsletter

A Newsletter

An Autoresponder

Opt-in, Single Opt-in, Double Opt-in



Single Opt-in

Double Opt-in

In Progress Note

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Regards, Coyalita

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