Affiliate Wiseguy

Affiliate Wiseguy

Becoming the Don of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Wiseguy Some search engines matter more than others We’ve established that the only way someone searching through the vast mounds of information on the internet can find you [without an address or link access] is by using a search engine.

Ninety percent of visitors, perhaps more, will find you this way. But as most of us also know, there are many, many search engines out there, and not all of them are the same. A handful of search engines matter a whole lot more than the rest.

So, who matters and who doesn’t? In truth, everyone matters because every visitation generated by even the most obscure search engine matters.

But for your purposes, you need to work to please the Big Dogs in the search world so that you get the lion’s share of the searches for your targeted keywords and key phrases.

Having said that, understand that there is only so much you can do. Follow the advice given in subsequent chapters here so that you rank well in the more popular search engine results pages (SERP’s), and the rest will pretty much follow anyway.

Affiliate Wiseguy

Regards, Coyalita

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