EZ List

How to Build Your First Email List the EZ Way

By Coyalita Linville

EZ List BuildingList Building and Its Benefits If you have a small business, are doing online marketing, or simply have a specialized interest or hobby and would like to interact with others who share your passion, you need to have an email list. That’s because email remains the single most effective way to connect with other people online.

Unlike instant messaging or video chatting, email doesn’t require you to be constantly online or monitoring your smart phone or portable device. Unlike social media, email doesn’t need daily updating in order to remain relevant.

Unlike direct mail or traditional marketing, email doesn’t cost a fortune, nor does it require you to devote a lot of time and labor to make it effective.

Instead, building your list of email contacts and using that list to promote your products, services or ideas is still the easiest, most cost-effective and most user-friendly ways to connect with a large group of prospective customers, clients or fans.

Despite critics who claim that email is being replaced with other, faster methods of online interaction – such as instant messaging, Twitter, or even SnapChat – the fact remains that most Internet users have at least one email account that they monitor regularly.

Need proof that email remains relevant? Answer this question: Have you checked your email anytime in the past 48 hours? If so, then you already know how important email remains to the average Internet user.

List Building Essentials

Building a large email list is the starting point to whatever Internet marketing program you have in mind. When you have a list of hundreds or even thousands of contacts, you can expect a certain percentage of people to respond to any single email you send out promoting a product, service, or even a link to a blog or other relevant content.

So, building your list by attracting people who are interested in the types of products or services you promote, or share your passion for a particular interest, is essential to the success of your online marketing strategy.

Once you have a list of loyal customers, contacts or followers, you can promote an endless supply of niche-related products, services or links in order to drive response.

When you continually add new people to your list, you can create an effective sales funnel that can earn you profits. There are both free and paid ways to add people to your list. If you are starting out with a low marketing budget – or no marketing budget – you need not worry. You can start with free list building techniques and after you start to make money with your list, you can reinvest a portion of your revenues into paid list-building techniques so you can make even more sales and keep making money indefinitely.

If you already have at least one email account, you probably are familiar with what an email list is and how it works. But building a large list – anywhere from 100 to 10,000 contacts or more – requires a little more administrative skill, management time and organization than the ordinary Gmail or Yahoo email holder possesses.

To manage a list that large, you need some help in the form of an autoresponder. This is software that you buy that takes care of most of the tedious administrative tasks that come with managing your list, such as sending out emails according to a pre-established schedule, collecting email addresses of new subscribers, distributing your free giveaways, directing traffic to the appropriate sales pages and other promotional links, and so on.

Your autoresponder also will provide you with valuable data that you can use to better manage your online business, such as how many people actually click through from the emails you send out, which users always delete your emails without reading them, even how long the average user spends reading your emails before clicking off. You can use data like this to fine tune your email promotions so that they are more surgical and connect more effectively with a larger percentage of your list.

While there are dozens of autoresponders out there that you can get, there are three that offer the best array of services at the most affordable prices:




Getting a high-quality autoresponder is sort of like being a business owner who hires a hard-working, efficient, and honest manager to run the day-to-day operations for you. Once you give the autoresponder the general directions you want, it can easily and effectively handle most of the time-consuming administrative duties automatically, so you can focus on them larger “big picture” issues related to running your business.

Squeeze Pages and Their Uses

The fastest way to build your list is to give away something valuable for free that people interested in the types of products, services or interests you are promoting will find irresistible.

For example, if you specialize in weight loss products, you could offer a free video that explains the “Top 10 Ways to Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days”.

If you are promoting golf getaway vacations, you could give away a free 30-minute online consultation with a golf pro.

Or if your goal is to create a forum in which literature fans can interact with each other, you could offer a list of the top 100 Great Books.

The free giveaway is called the Lead Magnet Report (LMR) or a lead magnet because it works the same way a polarized magnet does: It attracts people to join your list by providing them with some sort of high-value content in exchange for their email address.

Once you capture their email address, you can then use it to send an endless series of emails promoting your products, services, links to relevant content or whatever you want.

You also can provide a continual supply of even more free high-value content in order to nurture your relationship with your contacts.

If your subscribers know they are going to get something that they are interested in and will find whenever they receive an email from you, they will be more likely to open your emails, or at least not delete them without reading them.

Read More Inside…

Content Creation

Building Your First List

Traffic: How to Populate Your List

Email Swipes

Making Money with Your Email List

EZ List Building

While it may seem intimidating to newcomers, thanks to technological advances and streamlining of coding and programming, building and launching a website today is actually quite simple.

Once you use your website to create your first list of subscribers and experience the loading your autoresponder with email swipes in which you alternate informational and promotional emails in order to push your subscribers up the profit ladder, doing it a second or third time will be even easier.

These list building techniques can be used to promote products or services – either your own or somebody else’s – or simply to connect with other people who share your interests. If you are a small business owner, you can use them to build customer loyalty and expand your customer base.

The best part about list building is that once you master the basics, it becomes very easy to manage and maintain. You can literally set it and forget it.

As new prospects discover your opt-in page and give you their email address, your autoresponder can take care of 95% of the rest of the process of moving them up the profit ladder and bringing you a steady, reliable, and essentially hands-free income stream. That’s what makes EZ List Building so attractive to Internet marketers.

Good luck!

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Regards, Coyalita

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