Mega Launch Blueprint – Launch Time

Mega Launch Blueprint – Launch Time

If you make it through all the processes that you need to walk through before the launch, congratulations. You are now just a step away from your launch.

Here we come to a chapter about your launch time. Launch day is the day where you will reap what you have sowed from the beginning; it is the day you have been building toward. It is extremely hard to describe the excitement on your launch day.

In this chapter, I am going to show you the entire process before your launch and walk you through step-by-step to make sure everything is all good to go.

Without further ado, let us get into it.

3-Step Launch Plan

Here is a 3-step launch plan for you. Of course, it is not a simple task to be accomplished without putting in any effort. But it is not hard either. All you need to do is to double check everything and make sure everything is good to go.

Create a checklist and ensure everything in the checklist is fine. This way, you can prevent any last-minute changes and put on the show perfectly.

#1: Set your date and time ahead

First, obviously, you need to set your date and time. You can, of course, prepare the launch without a date and time in the first place. However, if you have a goal to achieve, you will be motivated to finish the job on time.

It is also better to have a date and time set beforehand so you can prepare your promotional emails in advance. You can then upload the follow-up email series to your autoresponder and do other important tasks.

There is a myth about the best days to launch a product, which falls on Tuesday and Wednesday. According to researchers, people are usually free to address a product launch on Tuesday and Wednesday, because those are the days where their work is not that busy.

While Monday is too soon after the weekend and people are still getting settled in to work, Thursday and Friday are too close to the weekend. Therefore, Tuesday and Wednesday will be the best days.

However, I believe that whether you launch it on any of the best days of the week or not, if you have mailed out the launch date and time ahead to your list, any day is a good day to launch. Do not let this myth limit your plan.

#2: Pre-launch campaign

Next, you will need to make sure the pre-launch campaign runs smoothly. The prelaunch is essential. Pre-launch is the process where you will announce your launch date and time to your subscribers.

In the pre-launch, the promotional emails that you send to your subscribers are to stir up the excitement. Let them know there will be something special and new for them coming up soon.

I want you to imagine this scenario: When you are informed that next Wednesday is going to be a holiday, won’t you start looking forward to the holiday? No matter how small the excitement is, you are already excited for the holiday that is coming soon.

Same goes for when you inform your subscribers ahead of your launch time. They will feel the excitement as well, because they know something good is going to happen soon.

In the pre-launch campaign, the first thing you need to address will be the sales page. As mentioned in the previous chapter, sales page is the first page your subscribers will see and is also the link that you will attach in your promotional email.

While promotional emails serve as a pre-sell to the subscribers, a sales page is the main page – the call-to-action page. Most of the Internet marketer put most of their effort into the sales page, because whether the product is going sell like a hot cake or not depends mostly on the sales page.

However, do not turn your sales page into a ‘Buy my stuff! Buy my stuff!’ page. Always remember this: People do not like to be sold, but they like to buy. There are ways to entice them.

So, make sure your sales page is good to go. Check on all the elements in the sales page such as headline, videos, graphics, call-to-action, and many more. Not to be paranoid, but double or even triple check your sales page.

Setting up your sales page will be especially important because the sales page will make the first impression to your subscribers and at the same time, the sales page affects the decision of your subscribers.

Whether they will click on the buy button and check out for your product, or click on the leave button, it is all depends on your sales page.

Here is an additional step, you can conduct a split-test for your sales page. Sometimes, a simple tweak will make a huge different. It can be the choice of words you use in your headline; it can be the price you set; it can be the color scheme. You will know what works best when you conduct a split test.

However, you will change only one or two elements each time you conduct a split test, so that you will know which element to improve on for your next launch. Choose the best conversion page as your sales page.

Moving on, the next thing you need to do is create your ad campaign in social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Like I said, social media platforms will be the best place to promote your launch, as most of the people are more active in social media than checking their emails.

Especially for newbies, once you have set up your own fan page, you might need to build up your followers through buying ads from Facebook or Twitter. Once you have built up a large pool of followers, you can then post your offer without buying ads.

Other than the fan page, you can join the groups related to your niche. When you post an ad in such groups, you are getting the targeted audience in your niche. This way, you do not need to worry about getting people that you do not want into your list.

Lastly, contact the JVs and mail out to your own list. The nearer the launch date is, the more you need to stay connected with your JVs to mail out your offer.

Contact your JVs to follow up on the progress in promoting your launch or sending a reminder to send the promotional emails ahead to announce the launch date.

This is not a compulsory move, as your JVs know what they need to do for the launch. However, it is good to contact your JVs before the launch, to build up relationship with them as well as to keep track on the details of your launch.

I would like to mention about this one more time; the promotional emails are crucial as it is going to be what will build up the excitement. So, do not be hesitant to contact the JVs to make sure everything runs smoothly according to your plan.

And, of course, do not forget about your own list. As mentioned, you can set your promotional e-mails in advance with your autoresponder. When you do this, you do not need to worry about mailing out your emails to your list and can focus on other parts of your marketing. Autoresponders will mail out your offer to your subscribers accordingly.

#3: Launch strategy

And then, plan your launch strategy on your launch day. Diverse kinds of strategies bring you various kinds of results. Be sure what kind of technique you want to use in your launch to enhance your call-to-action.

It is important to decide on the launch strategy that you are going to use for your launch. This can be an enhancement to build up a stronger call-to-action.

First, you can set a period for the offer. For instance, price goes up after certain period, or bonuses will be removed when the promotion is over.

When there is a time limit for something, people tend to have lesser time to make decision. It somehow acts as a catalyst to speed up the time they take to decide. Create a sense of urgency, whereby they need to make a fast decision – either buy now or never.

This is one of the strategies you can use for your launch. I am going to talk about other techniques you can apply in your launch in the next chapter. Stay tuned for that!

During the launch, you can still mail out to your list. Sometimes, we stop mailing out to the subscribers after the launch. Indeed, you can still mail out during the launch to make a final call for your launch.

You first email can be a social proof email, to further convince them to act; Second email can be a short Q & A email, to tell them what your product is; Third email can be a reminder that you are going to close your promotion offer to them, to stir up the sense of urgency.

If the offer is going to last for a week, send them one email every two days.

Regards Coyalita

See Next: Product Launch Techniques