Mega Launch Blueprint How to Launch Your Product

Mega Launch Blueprint How to Launch Your Product

In a nutshell, there are five key steps that engage in launching a product.

Firstly, you need to create your product. This includes conducting your niche and market research before you start creating a product. As mentioned earlier, you can also look for re-sellable PLR products. PLR products listed on online marketplaces will usually come with a list of rights. So, before you make a purchase, just make sure that the product you are purchasing also gives you the rights to reselling.

Once you have your product, you need to plan and create your sales funnel. A sales funnel is a fantastic way to get your prospects to purchase your other offers. For most internet marketers and vendors, the sales funnel is where they get the bulk of their profit. Once you have set up your sales funnel, the traffic from your launch will immediately flow into it, which will help you generate even more sales.

For Step 3, you need to create your sales letter and sales page. The content of your sales letter is especially important in getting people to purchase your product. Once you have produced your sales letter, be sure to also set up your sales page and ensure that all the links are working fine.

You can then move on to finding affiliates. These are the people who will help to promote your product in exchange for commission. This is the way to generate crazy traffic during your launch – if you only promote to your own followers and leads, you will not get the best results. Using affiliates helps your launch reach a wider audience and is therefore vital to your launch success.

Once that has done, you need to schedule and send out promotional emails to your list. There is an art to this, so that your e-mails get opened and are not just brushed aside or worse – labeled as spam or junk. Be very particular when creating these e-mails, as they can really help your product sell well.

Where to Launch Your Product

Now that you know the basics of how to launch a product, let us take a quick look at where you can launch your product.

While you can choose to launch your product independently, many online businesses choose to launch their product through an online marketplace. This is because it is easy to customize your launch, plus with so many affiliates concentrated on these sites, it is a terrific opportunity to create hype for your product. There are 3 main platforms which internet marketers flock to, namely ClickBank, JVZoo and Warrior+ Plus.

One of the best things about ClickBank is the marketplace. Having your product listed in the marketplace is a fantastic way to keep the buzz going, especially if you get you product to rank highly. The more interested people are in your product, the higher ranked your product will be – this means even more visibility and opportunities.

ClickBank is also a suitable place for you to launch your product if you are not too meticulous about your affiliates. If your product is listed in the marketplace, ClickBank allows anyone on its site to become an affiliate by simply generating a unique affiliate link.

If you are a little more particular about who promotes your product as an affiliate, you might want to go with JVZoo. JVZoo allows you to have complete control over who becomes an affiliate for your product, as you need to manually prove interested affiliates. With JVZoo, you can have interested parties message you first before you approve them as affiliates.

Another remarkable thing about JVZoo is, comparable to ClickBank, it is a lot easier to use and they can host your product and sales page for you. This gives you a one-stop checkpoint when you want to launch your product. Also, there is no upfront fee for launching your product on JVZoo. And, if you choose to, your product can be eligible for JVZoo’s Pick of The Day, which translates into even more visibility for your product.

As for our third option Warrior+ Plus, this is the best place to go to exponentially grow your affiliate network – it has loaded more affiliates to promote your product. And, like JVZoo, you also have the chance of your product being selected as pick of the day, which will surely attract even more affiliates.

While Warrior+ Plus is a little older and not as user-friendly as ClickBank or JVZoo, in truth, the greatest value in launching your product on Warrior+ Plus is it is very saturated with people from the Internet Marketing niche. So, if you are in that niche, Warrior+ Plus is the way to go – especially if you want to start getting your name out there.

Mega Launch Blueprint

Regards Coyalita

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