Mega Launch Blueprint Pull Off a Successful JV Invitation

Mega Launch Blueprint Pull Off a Successful JV Invitation

After you have found the JVs, you want to approach, how do you pull off a successful JV invite? It is no walk in the park, but it is not that difficult, either.

JVs will be interested in your business if you have an excellent product and affiliate offers for them. You also must play your cards right.

Quite a few factors that will attract an affiliate to join your program, and it is all up to them. But, in the core of it all, is the ‘What’s in it for me,’ which I have mentioned a few times before this.

To pull off a successful JV invite, you must provide a solution that leads to a solution where everyone benefits. Most importantly, provide a high commission rate for them. This is usually the first thing a JV is looking for in the affiliate page.

Sometimes, they look at the product. If you can give complimentary access to your product, it will be a plus for them. When they have the access to your product, they will have an opportunity to evaluate your product before they promote your launch.

This way, they can ensure the quality of the product that they are going to promote and make sure what they are promoting is a product good enough for their subscribers. If you are confident in your product, the affiliates will be confident, too.

But the numbers are important too! To win them, provide a high commission rate. There are no fast and strict rules in setting up the commission rate.

Next, affiliates are also often attracted to a contest. There are quite several affiliate contests you can find in the marketplaces. Whichever affiliate generates the most sales, wins.

The winner usually gets reward in monetary form. This would be an extra incentive for them. What is so great about an affiliate contest is that on top of having paid in commissions, they stand a chance to win a bonus.

As mentioned, to get affiliates, you must first be an affiliate. Demonstrate your value by promote their launch first. You will establish a business relationship with the affiliate before asking them to do a joint venture.

When you offer a favor first, it is easier to ask for a favor from them! You cannot be blunt here so show them your value first. They will appreciate the gesture of you doing a favor for them first.

Regards Coyalita

See Next: Joint Venture Page for Affiliates

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