As a business owner, it is important to stay ahead of the curve. Profit is equal to arduous work and a whole lot of exposure. In today’s ultracompetitive climate, the business world is more cutthroat than ever before.

While the competition is fierce, there are plenty of things you can do to make sure your current customers will stick around, and that potential customers will become lifelong patrons. (“THE WOW FACTORS Coyalita October 29, 2021”)

Anyone can sell a product or service, but it takes a special, strategic plan to sell your wares or services in a unique way that no one will forget. You really want to WOW your customers and other businesses, so that you are ahead of the game and have a unique branding strategy. (“THE WOW FACTORS – Money Makers”)

Branding is what makes businesses stand out. Terms like Kleenex, Xerox, and Whiteout are all household names, but it is because of the branding that their parent companies have worked so hard to establish that we equate them with everyday items, regardless of the manufacturer. (“THE WOW FACTORS – Money Makers”)

Branding helps give your business its own personalized identity and will help to ensure that people automatically recognize your company and its products. This is what larger corporations have depended on to make them money. But how do you go about branding without overdoing it? (“By: Dr. Len Schwartz – Pro2Pro Network”)

Or how can a business effectively use branding to WOW the customers, and crush the competition?

“Doing well and making sales is not good enough to become a dynamic, over the top success in business.” (“By: Dr. Len Schwartz – Pro2Pro Network”) As a company and business owner, you should want to go beyond the call of duty and really WOW people with your company’s mission statement, marketing techniques, products, and most importantly, customer service.

Excelling is possible with some out of the box thinking and tactics. Simple changes can make an enormous difference in the way you look at your business and, in the way, customers will respond to your advertising. Primarily, you must define your business and decide what it is you stand for, what you represent, and how you will make money. (“THE WOW FACTORS – Money Makers”) “Defining your brand and your company is absolutely the first and most essential part of success.” (“Starting Today, You Are A Brand”)

Next, solid communication tactics need to be developed. Here, communication means advertising, exclusive offers, and email or mailed newsletters. “It also means how you are perceived by others via your website.” (“By: Dr. Len Schwartz – Pro2Pro Network”) You will also need to market and promote your products and your company. All these elements combined should be fine-tuned to your company’s identity, and with what your customers want. (“Liquidmoon Image Worx”) Utilizing the Internet to the best and most effective ways possible is also necessary.

“If you can get creative with the things people are looking for in businesses today, you can easily change the perception of your company through not only your customers’
eyes, but through your own eyes as well.” (“Liquidmoon Image Worx”) Here are some insightful and helpful tips, tricks, and tactics to help five your business the WOW factor:

Professional looking and professionally functioning websites are essential. Do not simply use a template-style, generic website to sell your products. Today’s Internet savvy shoppers know what a polished website looks like, and they are much more likely to buy from them. They also know what a generic, unimpressive one looks like, so make sure yours is professionally done.

Make it easy to navigate and make it look good so people will be attracted to it and want to make a purchase there as well as return at another time. Also, ensure you have a dependable hosting company to reduce downtime, which will result in lost sales. (“Inside A Internet Marketer – Like Me!”)

Produce a creative tagline. Many companies use taglines as a method for people to remember their name. For example, the cereal Wheaties is known as the “breakfast of champions.” The breakfast of champions part of the brand name is simply the brand’s tagline, but it is widely recognized and makes that cereal stand out. (“Liquidmoon Image Worx”)

By creating a tagline, Wheaties has developed something unique, and something that will stand out in peoples’ minds. Brainstorm a few taglines of your own until you find one that really defines your brand or your company. Then, add it underneath your logo on as many different things as you can including the website, business cards, and printed materials. (“Liquidmoon Image Worx”)

WOW them with your logo. A logo really does have an impact on the way people perceive a business. (“Branding – Brandlin Digital Solutions”) “Something that is colorful, not too overwhelming, yet creative is what you want.” (“Liquidmoon Image Worx”) “A company name is there to do its job, but nothing has quite the impact like a cool logo.” (“Brandlinx.org Jeffreys Bay | Website Development | Phone …”)

Think of what your business stands for, what you are selling, and what people are looking for. Then, work around those ideas to produce a creative, edgy logo that really stands out among the crowd. (“60 Instant Business Strategies for Salon Owners by Anthony …”) Twitter is a good example of a new logo that is already universally recognized due to its creativity and simplicity.

Market outside the box. Do not just offer your customers emails with coupon codes. Think of some new, creative ways to send them remarkable offers. Whether it is through charity donations, fundraisers, or a word-of-mouth campaign, there are ways to get people to make purchases without using traditional methods.

“Contests always seem to do well, so think of something that relates to your business that will also get people interested in what you have to offer.” (“By: Dr. Len Schwartz – Pro2Pro Network”)

You must make everything look appealing to the customer, while remaining focused on your own goals and getting the word out about who you are as a brand.

Stay fresh. Do not ever let your website get dull or stay full of old inventory. Try to update your items and products as much as possible. If the business is only offering one thing or is offering a service, then try to take innovative approaches to the website every couple of months.

Develop a “sister” product for the main product so that people will want to buy its companion. Updating with updated content and a latest look works wonders for any business, since people are always looking for something new. (“By: Dr. Len Schwartz – Pro2Pro Network”)


Regards, Coyalita

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