IM Business Models Chapter 7: CPA Marketing

IM Business Models Chapter 7: CPA Marketing

CPA marketing stands for ‘Cost Per Action.’ “This is an interesting alternative to affiliate marketing that is similar in many ways.” (“CB Passive Income 4.0 Review – Google Search”)

What ‘cost per action’ means is that you get paid every time someone conducts a certain action. Now, in many cases this might mean that you get paid when someone buys something – in which case it is working similarly to affiliate marketing (except that you are getting paid a flat rate most likely). In other cases, though, the ‘action’ might mean subscribing to a mailing list or joining a membership site. (“CB Passive Income 4.0 Review – Google Search”)

Another difference is that CPA is often managed more similarly to PPC or display advertising. In other words, rather than promoting a product you might simply place adverts on your website. Instead of being paid for every click though, you get paid when someone clicks on the advert and then takes the required action. (“CPA Marketing”)

Getting Started

Similar again to affiliate marketing, the first thing you need to do to get started with CPA marketing is to find yourself a platform where you will be able to track down the different offers and start promoting the adverts/links. (“CPA Marketing”)

Currently, CPA marketing is not as big as affiliate marketing which is both a good thing and a terrible thing. It is a good thing because it means less competition for you, but it is a terrible thing because it is a little harder to find good options. (“CPA Marketing”) Likewise, there are not as many networks as possible that have quite risen to the top of the heap like JVZoo or Click Bank. Some of the CPA networks are a bit poorly made and, in some cases, even disreputable. Make sure you do your research then before choosing one to go with! (“CPA Marketing”)

That said, some good CPA networks to choose from include Max Bounty (, PeerFly ( or Clickbooth ( (“CPA Marketing”) Make sure to read the reviews and browse through what is available to find the right products and deals that you want to promote.

Max Bounty is necessary if you want to start in CPA marketing

What you will find when looking at these is that the full process is a little simpler and more automated than affiliate marketing. You simply sign up as a publisher and then post the ads/promotions on your site without having to deal directly with the brand that is offering the CPA promotion. In other words, this system is a lot closer to using AdSense or other ‘Pay Per Click’ adverts. (“CPA Marketing”)

PeerFly is another great CPA network you might want to add to the list

Best Wishes, Coyalita

See Tomorrow “9th How to Get Accepted into a CPA Network”
