Backend Mastermind

Increasing Your Profits
With Backend Offers

– Complete Guide to Building
A Profitable Sales Funnel –

Backend MastermindBuilding A Profitable Backend – No matter what type of business you are involved in, developing a solid backend system will instantly maximize your income nd the overall value of every single customer you acquire.

Creating a backend system isn’t all that difficult, in fact, all you really need to do is create two products that complement each other and are focused on helping your customers expand their knowledge on your chosen topic.

For example, if you were to create an info product focusing on finding a work at home job, your eBook could include job sources, help with eliminating frauds, dissecting opportunities, and landing the job.

You could then create a follow up eBook that offers a step-by-step guide to freelance writing, or another specific work at home position that the majority of your customers would be interested in.

The objective when creating your back-end system is to offer exceptional value in your primary product so that your customers trust you and the quality of your work, and then focus on creating additional products catering to this built-in customer base.

When it comes to the timing of your back-end offer, you could release it within minutes of the original purchase, or even days or weeks later through follow up emails sent out to your customer base via your autoresponder account.

However, the easiest way to create your back-end system is in the initial product development phase.

Instead of simply creating a single product, you will create two products, so that when you launch your first product, you have a secondary product already developed that can be offered to your customers either as an immediate upsell, or a few days later through your back-end.

You see this happening all of the time around you. From weight loss programs to car dealerships, you are often provided with a basic package as well as the option of adding upgrades and extended features to your purchase.

There are companies that will also offer you samples of products or services knowing that if they can get you into their sales funnel, they can reach out to you with additional products later on.

These people understand the true value of extending the relationship of every customer. When it comes to customer acquisition, it costs time (and often money), so by focusing on offering your customer base additional products that are relevant (often promoted as a component to the original product), you will be able to maximize your income without having to consistently search for new business.

One thing to keep in mind when building your back-end system however is that ‘backend’ and ‘upsell’ are considered two entirely different things.

For example, most of the time an upsell is offered during the actual checkout process where you would offer potential customers with the option to upgrade their purchase so that it includes additional material, or access to content.

When you offer an upsell option, the entire order usually takes place right away, with customers adding your upsell offers to their cart during checkout.

With backend offers, you aren’t necessarily offering additional products during checkout itself, but instead are offering them to your customer base a few days later after the primary product has been purchased.

With a backend system, you can consistently add fresh new products to the funnel and notify your customer base every time a new release has been created.

If you choose your market carefully, you should be able to develop a deep funnel that allows you to create an unlimited number of products catering to the same audience.

Using our work at home example once again, if you were to create an info product on “how to make money online”, you would write the ‘platform’ to finding a telecommuting position or work at home job.

This eBook would offer an introduction to work at home, provide a variety of options for securing online work and perhaps touch on the different types of programs to avoid.

Your backend system would then kick in, and you would begin to create additional “modules” that blend with the original product, including:

Product 2: The Scam Report: How to Avoid Online Scams

Product3: Top 50 Work at Home Jobs: Complete Guide

Product 4: Freelance Profits: A Guide for The Home-Based Writer

Product 5: Paid Survey Programs Revealed

And so on.

Here’s What’s Included







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Regards, Coyalita

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