How to Make $700 In 7 Days

If You Want To Find Out How to Make $700.00 or More in 7 Days or Less, Then Here Are 7 Ways To Do Just That…

From: Coyalita Linville

Yes, you read that right!

7 Ways to Make $700.00 in 7 Days. Combine all 7 Methods and That’s $4,900.00!

But before I take you to the brief sales letter, let me tell you what I am NOT going to do on this page…

A) I’m NOT Going to Over Hype This.

Sure, I’m a master sales letter writer and could easily incorporate copy writing tricks into this sales letter that would practically have you racing to give me your cash… But I won’t (in fact, to make sure you get the most benefit possible out of this I’m purposely writing this sales Letter during my least creative time of the day – 3:30 in the afternoon)

B) I’m NOT Going to “Bribe” You.

Yep, that’s right, I’m not going to bribe you with a bunch of bonuses or I’m going to give you nothing but SEVEN (7) purely Profitable ways to make $700.00 or more a week!

C) I’m NOT Going to Show Proof.

Yes, as shocking and weird as it may seem to read that, I won’t do it. I’m NOT going to Razzle Dazzle you with all types of insane screen shots or videos of my Clickbank, Paypal, 1ShoppingCart or Merchant account sales.

(Besides you’re smart enough to know that even someone with minimal photoshop skills can doctor his/her sales stats to the point that it would make Donald Trump drool – not that I endorse or recommend doing that.)


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