IM Business Models Buying and Selling

IM Business Models Buying and Selling

“If you want a more scalable business model though, then a great option is to buy products and sell them for more.” (“eBay Business”)

The best way to do this is to buy the products in bulk or wholesale and ideally you should do this directly from the manufacturer. When you do that, you will make a big saving on your products and potentially you can expect to get the items at less than half price when you order one hundred or more at a time. This is called ‘keystone pricing’ and it is a standard that most wholesalers and resellers adhere to (you are now a reseller, by the way!). (“eBay Business”)

So, you buy 100 pairs of jeans/blank CDs and then you simply sell them individually on eBay for twice the price. This then means you can sell the lot and end up with a 100% increase on revenue. “Minus the costs of listing the items and of delivery and you can make 80% profit on your initial investment or more.” (“eBay Business”)

Now what you do is you simply take some money out of that and put it in your bank as your earnings and then you invest 150% back into buying more stock and inventory.

The only risk is that one initial investment and from there, you are simply reinvesting the profits back into more items. Eventually, you will be putting in orders for thousands of items and making thousands of dollars for selling them. (“eBay Business”) And all you need is an eBay account and a room big enough to store your inventory.

Note that you can also find ways to add extra value yourself to make even more money still. A good example of this would be to hand paint a phone case, or to bundle items together and tie a nice bow on them – creating a ‘gift pack.’ (“eBay Business”)

To Your Success, Coyalita

P.S. Isn’t it time you started making the enormous amounts of money you deserve? You can do it quickly and easily, by clicking here right now: IM Business Models


See Tomorrow “Chapter 6: Drop Shipping”


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