How To Make 6-Figure Income In Niche Marketing

By Patric Chan

Easy Instant Six Figure Income

How To Make 6-Figure Income In Niche Marketing – Hi Reader, I’ve decided to write this report on Tuesday, 12th February. Unexpectedly, I didn’t start at all because I end up spending the time talking to my programmers for the final tweak on the Niche Marketing 2.0 System’s software.

And it’s 11.02 PM Wednesday when I’m writing this. Darn. Time flies.

My intention is to finish it by writing for 5 straight hours, this is something that I’ve never done before but I’ll give it a shot. Well, I like to keep to my words.

There’s only one problem (apart than overdose of caffeine) – It’s going to be packed with grammar errors because it’s not going through any proofread. So, I like to apologize in advance if you get offended with that. If not, sit back and spend the next 30 minutes to read this report. I assure that you’ll get new ideas.

By the way, if you gotten this report from someone else and not directly from me, then you’ll be clueless who I am. I’ve taught thousands of people how to make money online part-time and full-time and I got a list of testimonials to prove.

If you want to read them, just contact me at

Please understand that I don’t want to publish all of them here to blow my own horn because it serves no purpose.

And if you need to check on my credibility to make sure that you’re getting the real deal, feel free to use to search for “Patric Chan” for unbiased opinions. Just beware that a lot of my old and new sites will appear as well.



P.S: I like to stay upfront and be transparent with my readers. The reason why I’m giving away this report for free is because I’m launching The Niche Marketing 2.0 ™ System on the 26th February 2008. If you don’t want to miss ANYTHING, make sure you go to the url below RIGHT NOW and subscribe before you continue reading.

Here’s the url == >

How I Got Started Online With Niche Marketing

As of today, I’ve been marketing on the internet for 5 years and spoken in over 10 countries on the topic of internet marketing, especially marketing in niche markets. Well, this doesn’t truly make someone a Guru– not by the time spent but by the result he’s living, and the success stories gotten.

Some spend a year and already made a million online while there are cases where people spend more than 5 years but are just making 500 bucks a month.

The difference?

Other than the pep-talk of being positive, persistence and all of that usual stuff, it’s what they got—the right insider information, resources and proven system.

I don’t make a million online overnight or in a month. I started just like everyone else which is kind of dumb because there were shortcuts that I didn’t take.

Here’s an extracted short story of my history I wrote back on October 15, 2006 on my blog:
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I can still remember my dad said…

“Why don’t he gets a real job?”

He was referring to me at that time. It was year 2003 when I was “self-employed” — doing my own stuff which my dad doesn’t really have a clue what EXACTLY I’m doing.

“Do you know what he’s doing?” Asked my dad to my mum.

Mum doesn’t have much clue as well, but she believes in me. More of that later on.

You see, I can’t blame Dad to think like that at all. Dad’s been driving taxi for over 10 years now.

He’s a hard-working blue-collar worker – Wakes up in the morning, have a good breakfast (Butter and bread) at home and off he goes driving to bring back the money for the family. Every single day he works… 7 days a week. There’s no such thing as an off day unless the family is having some sort of outing or, if he’s sick.  And if he felt sick, he really does.

Driving taxi may looks easy to most people. I mean, how tough could be to stay focus on the road with all of the senses God given?

But have you try driving for 8 hours a day… 365 days — multiply that by 10 years?

And you don’t get to meet nice passengers every day, my friend.

I respect my Dad. I just don’t know how to tell him that I love him.

Guess you can tell… Dad’s income is hard-earned money. Man, the sacrifices he have done for the family, I don’t think words alone can describe them.

Each trip, he’ll earn a few bucks. He’ll have to collect those to reach a few thousands a month so that he can provide his family a better life, so to speak. And Dad’s a frugal person too. Not because he is a cheapskate, but because money was not easily accumulated by him.

I mean, if you start to earn a few dollars each time you completed a task, I bet that you’ll see money differently. I know I would.

Like any parents, I think Dad’s ideal hope was that his children will have good education and end up with a good job. I mean, career.

I get good education at school, no doubt about that. But unfortunately, I wasn’t cut to be one of those smart kids.

Smart kids in school will give a kind of look … You know, the look that goes,

“Look at that bummer. Wonder what he’s going to end up doing after the school days.”



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