” 20 Surefire Techniques to Ensure Your Website Explodes!”

“20 Surefire Techniques to Insure Your Website Explodes!” – I’d like to put a little “twist” on some common topics I’m sure you’ve already heard or read about at one time or another online.


Because I’d REALLY like to try and thrust you into a brainstorming “frenzy”…

I want you to really think (and hopefully understand) why certain selling methods and techniques are so vital to your online business…

…And how easily you can implement many of them into your everyday sales efforts.

If you do nothing else, please read over each and every one of the topics… Even if you’re a “KNOW IT ALL” and you feel you already know everything there is to know about a particular subject (and I say that with “MUCHO” love and respect ;-).

Because if you do, I promise you one thing… you’ll finish this report with a brighter outlook and renewed excitement about your online business!

Are you ready to bring out the SUPER SALESPERSON lurking inside you?

Here we go…..

1. Create A Mailing List – This is absolutely – without a doubt – the most vital and necessary tool for your business! It is so EXTREMELY important to have a mailing list that entire websites, e-books and courses have been written on the subject.

This is your ULTIMATE tool for your success. You’ve probably heard the phrase… “The Money Is In The List”. Trust me… No words are truer! You need to have a mailing list and keep in touch with your website visitors to bring in new business.

And here’s where many fail: You CANNOT simply put a small text link or graphic on your site that reads “sign up for our mailing list”. That won’t cut it. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Who cares?

REMEMBER – You need to be a SUPER Salesperson online!

Be creative and find ways, whatever it takes, to get customers to sign up to your list. Once a customer is on your mailing list, they’re a prospect (and hopefully a new customer) for life! Repeat sales will be the lifeblood for your business.

Offer a freebie… ANYTHING… Your first-born child (just kidding)… something of value – something to persuade your visitors to sign up to your list.

It’s that important! Here’s a few ideas:

– Offer a discount coupon or special promo to those who sign up…

– Offer a free email course; I.E. Crafting, Decorating Ideas, How to build a coffee table under $50, etc…

– Promote a contest or drawing that every new subscriber will be entered into…

– Offer a special “Members Only” section for all subscribers…

And promote your mailing list EVERYWHERE possible! In your email, on your website, your auctions…EVERYWHERE! Find clever and unique ways to get your list information out there!

Use your own creativity and come up with some “never before seen” ways to attract new subscribers! Browse the net and see what other retailers are doing. Hell, this is so important that many websites actually set up an entire domain name just for their opt-in list!

Then, once you’re ready to setup your new mailing list, we highly recommend AWeber Services. They are TOP NOTCH, provide a smorgasbord of resources, and they are EXTREMELY  affordable. Plus, they offer a RISK FREE 30-Day Test Drive! If you don’t have a mailing list… start one today!

2. Write Your Own Newsletter – Again, this is the ultimate tool for keeping in touch with your website visitors and offering them something of value – FREE. Your topic choices are endless.

For example, if you own an online gift store, the topics you can consider could be:

– Creative Gift Ideas For Children And Adults – All Under $10

– Creative And Unique Gift Wrapping Ideas On A Budget

– Holiday Or Seasonal – A mailing on each of the holidays offering clever ideas on cooking and decorating

– Children’s Themes – Mom’s love to learn more about creative ways to amuse their kids.

Comprende? Your opportunities to keep in touch are once again “endless”. And please don’t get scared and run away from the idea because you think you can’t write! Anybody can write an interesting article…just keep it geared toward something you’re passionate about and you’ll surely excel!

A great web resource to learn more about how to write effectively online is a website called SiteSell.  In addition, you could download a variety of free e-books from their website that go into this subject in more detail.

I HIGHLY recommend visiting SiteSell if you aren’t familiar with their website. Then, put your newsletter to the test! You’ll be astonished with the results!

3. Build Your Own Website – “If you build it they will come!” However, in order to get visitors, your website should NOT be geared toward direct sales, but more importantly toward simply attracting visitors and (YEP…. you guessed it) …
getting them to sign up to your list! It’s that IMPORTANT!

If you don’t have your own website… get one. You’re missing out on a wealth of opportunity. And remember… you can sell products later…. after you’ve established a relationship with your customers and built trust!

And I guarantee you will sell products “later” if you build your list

Your site doesn’t have to be fancy, and to be perfectly honest, there are many websites out there that provide a great service for folks who aren’t too familiar with web design. I’ve listed my favorite below.

Understand that creating your own website not only allows you MUCH more opportunity to create sales, but it will also get you much more involved (and excited) about your online business. The search engines look for content when listing sites… and that’s very important for traffic.

You’ll have the ability to create some genuine content that’ll be picked up by those search engines, which in turn, will lead to a  flood of traffic.

Once you start writing articles for your newsletter (and you will start a newsletter…right?), simply load them onto your website to add instant content that your visitors will enjoy reading and look forward to… and the search engines will gobble it up like an ant eater on steroids.

As mentioned previously, you want to earn your customers trust and actually build relationships. That’s the goal of your website! Once you accomplish this, the sales will follow. That is extremely important! Don’t try to immediately sell a visitor that lands on your website, but instead offer them something of value…. FREE… I.E. a newsletter subscription or a free report to download outlining some great ways to solve a problem or put some excitement in their life.

Here’s What’s Included…

SiteSell University

Create An Affiliate Program

Limit Your Sources

Develop A USP

Don’t Sell Products… Sell Content

Sell On Every Page Of Your Site


Market Yourself And Your Products

Add A Signature File To Your Email

Setting Up A Signature File

Writing An Effective “SUPER” Salesperson Signature File

Write Powerful Headlines And Descriptions

Dedicate At Least 30 Minutes Each Day To Your Business

Sign Up For Marketing And Niche’ Newsletters

Create A Suggestion Box For Customer Feedback

Offer Contests And Freebies 

Use Creative Pop Ups And Exit Windows

Take Advantage Of Newsletter And Ezine Advertising

Have Fun!

Setup A Mailing List

And Much More…

Grab Your Copy Now Only $12.95

Regards, Coyalita

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