LinkedIn for Business

LinkedIn for Business

LinkedIn for BusinessMarket Research & Interaction

Interactivity is the buzzword of the last few years, and it looks set to gain in importance over the next decade.

Shopper’s tastes are changing and consumers do not want to be a doe-like shopper at some faceless corporation.

By using professional sites like LinkedIn, you can begin to address this problem.

LinkedIn offers a range of tools for helping to build your brand and to encourage interactivity. Firstly, your company will list its employees. This helps put a face to your activities and potentially allows customers to interact with workers.

You also have the ability to great an interest group. This group could be named after your company or could be related to it.

You can also as a company or as a group leader organize questions, polls and get customer feedback on specific products or services before they go mainstream or when you are in the developmental stage.

These interactions can be further augmented by using videos and photos, by including links to your homepage or by linking your business profile to your official Twitter feed and other social networks.

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Regards, Coyalita

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