Traffic Mastermind

Traffic Mastermind – Really, there is absolutely nothing technical about traffic. On a basic level, it’s just the flow of people to and from your website. Of course, that alone is of completely crucial importance because your traffic, as a marketer, will also be your potential customers.

Needless to say, you want as much traffic as possible for this very reason. Unfortunately, at this juncture many people start to encounter some problems because in order to get traffic, you cannot just sit back once you have a website up.

No, there must be promotion through at least one avenue, although more is always welcome.

On top of that, merely having a constant flow of people visiting your website is not necessarily going to do you a lot of good. For best effect, the traffic that you need to harness must be as targeted as possible.

Summing it up: What you want, and what you need to succeed in any internet marketing venture are sources of targeted traffic.

What is Targeted Traffic?

One of the best ways to explain targeted traffic is through this example:

Assuming you had a website that is centered on the dog grooming niche. It’d undoubtedly be a place where your visitors could check out various techniques of dog grooming, learn about some of the common problems when grooming dogs, and so on.

Now, if you somehow ended up getting a ton of traffic, but it all came from people looking for alien conspiracy theories, well… you’d undoubtedly notice that most of your visitors just leave your website immediately since it is not what they were looking for.

Admittedly, that is a slightly wild example, but it serves to illustrate the point fairly well. Even if your visitors were looking for something more closely related to your niche, such as dog training tips, or dog healthcare tips; the end result would be the same once they discover that you are not offering what they want.

Due to this, you want the traffic that does get to your website to consist of people who actually want to learn about dog grooming and are genuinely interested in it. If you can get a steady stream of such people flowing in, then without a doubt your conversion rate would be higher.

Actually, you could conceivably obtain traffic that is even more targeted.

Assuming you have monetized your blog to sell eBooks about dog grooming, then if the traffic that goes to your website consists of mostly people who already intend to buy resources about dog grooming – well, that would be very ideal.

At the end of the day, the more tightly focused and targeted your traffic is, the greater your results.

What’s Included Inside…

How to Start Generating Traffic?

Search Engines

Basic Keyword Research

Creating Keyword Rich and SEO-d Content

Importance of Backlinks

Social Bookmarking and Social Networks

Article Marketing

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising


Blog Commenting

Keeping Traffic Flowing

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Regards, Coyalita

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