Blog Flipping Secrets What Does It Mean to ‘Flip a Blog’?

Blog Flipping Secrets What Does It Mean to ‘Flip a Blog’?

Blog Flipping Secrets What Does It Mean to ‘Flip a Blog’? The concept of „flipping‟ is one that has been bequeathed to the online marketing industry by the real estate business. However, whereas websites and blogs are often referred to as virtual real estate – your site is your property on the net, hence the VRE concept – I am talking about the real world, bricks and mortar real estate business in this context.

In the real estate business, the concept of flipping property is that you buy a rundown residence or office building, renovate it and immediately sell it for a profit. In other words, the property was bought solely and exclusively for the purpose of renovating and selling it at an immediate profit rather than using it as a residence or office.

The concept of virtual real estate and flipping blogs and sites is broadly similar, although there are one or two slight differences.

The main difference is that whilst in the real property world, you would almost always buy a derelict property for renovation, when you’re flipping blogs or sites, it is often easier to create the site yourself from scratch. Whilst it is possible to find sites that already exist, improve them and then sell them on at a premium, having the ability to recognize sites which can be improved and sold is an acquired skill.

On the other hand, it is much easier and quicker to start as a „blog flipper‟ by learning how to create and flip your own blogs from the ground up.

This should help you understand how to value existing blogs and sites, which will in turn help you to spot undervalued sites in the future.

In many ways therefore, learning how to create a blog and flipping it from the very beginning of the process serves two purposes.

In the first place, it enables you to generate an attractive income from your blog flipping activities very quickly from a standing start. At the same time, it also provides the education that you need to become someone who can flip blogs for thousands of dollars a time with little or no work from buying and selling existing sites.

Order Blog Flipping Secrets Only $17

Best Wishes, Coyalita

See Tomorrow: “Getting Started”

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