32 Marketing Hacks Guaranteed to Grow Your Traffic

32 Marketing Hacks Guaranteed to Grow Your Traffic – Do you want to know how to drive traffic to your website? Are you struggling to attract more visitors? Then don’t worry, we’ve handpicked a ton of amazing marketing hacks that will help you increase your web traffic in no time.

By using these marketing hacks, you can boost user engagement, convert visitors into leads, build your brand, get more email subscribers, and much more.

Since this is a long article with a ton of high-value tips, we’ve organized them into categories for you. You can click the category to skip ahead to the section you’re interested in:

Ready? Let’s jump right in and get started growing your traffic…

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Blog Post Idea Hacks: Identify High-Traffic Topics

To truly get massive website traffic, your content strategy needs to be tailored to your audience. When you create exactly the content they’re looking for, you’ll attract more and more people to your website.

But how do you know exactly what kind of content your audience wants?

Here are a few smart marketing hacks to get you started.

  1. Laser-Target Your Visitors’ Interests

One smart way to increase your website traffic is by identifying the interests of your visitors and then tailoring your content to those interests.

How do you find out your readers’ interests? The easiest way is with Demographics and Interests reports. Here’s how to collect visitor demographics on your WordPress site.

If you’re using MonsterInsights, you can easily view the report by clicking on Insights from your WordPress dashboard and then going to Reports. From the top menu, click Publishers and scroll down to view the interests of your audience.

Using the report, you can get an idea of what people are interested in your website. You can then create and promote content that matches the interests of your visitors.

For example, in the screenshot above, you can see that site visitors are interested in video content. A smart marketing hack would be to create video content to add to your site. Here are some video marketing tips to get you started.

To identify more of what your visitors are interested in, you can also look at which are the most popular categories and tags on your site. This can be tricky to set up manually (you have to use code), but with MonsterInsights you can set up WordPress category and tag tracking in just a few clicks.

Once you know which categories and tags are most popular, you can focus on creating content that works.

  1. Find Top Landing Pages and Popular Post Type to Create Similar Content

Another easy hack for increasing your website traffic is by creating content similar to what’s already working. And the best way to find out which type of content gets the most traffic is by looking at your top landing pages and popular post types.

To find the best performing landing pages on your website, you can go to the Publishers report in MonsterInsights.

You can access the report by going to Insights and then clicking on Reports. From the top menu, select Publishers and the first report will be of top landing pages.

Using the report, you can find out the content type that gets the most traffic.

Let’s say you have a tech website and you publish all kinds of topics like product reviews of the latest smartphones, tutorials about fixing bugs, and latest news about tech gadgets.

But from the report of top landing pages, you see that product reviews get more traffic than tutorials or news. So, you can create similar content to attract visitors and increase your website traffic.

And if you want to know which type of content works the best, go to the Dimensions report in MonsterInsights.

Here you can see that one of the post type is recipes. So, if you have a food blog, you know which type of content your visitors are looking for and you can create similar content.

  1. Plug the Leaks in Your Content

Do you know why people leave your website?

Some are hitting the back button, sure. But many others are clicking on external links to other websites.

Do you know which external links on your website are getting the most clicks?

If you’re using the default Google Analytics tracking code, there’s no way to know. But MonsterInsights automatically tracks your outbound links for you – no code needed.

This is incredibly valuable data. When you can see exactly where your visitors are leaving your site, you can easily plug the leaks.

For example, in the screenshot above, a lot of people are leaving the site to watch a video. What if you just embedded that video in the page itself?

You might be thinking – sure, this is a great tip, but how does it drive traffic to my website?

This is actually a great way to get more content ideas. Once you know the content that people are looking for outside your site, you can create a better version on your own site.

Not only will that plug your leaky links and keep existing visitors on your website, but that new content will also attract new visitors who are similar to your existing audience.

  1. Identify Existing Content to Repurpose

Do you offer downloads on your website?

Maybe a white paper, PowerPoint presentation, or spreadsheet?

If so, you’re missing out on an incredible opportunity to drive even more traffic to your website.

Default Google Analytics doesn’t, but MonsterInsights can easily track your file downloads of any type.

Once you know your most popular downloads, you can repurpose that same content as a new blog post. Google probably won’t rank your PowerPoint high in search results, but if you put all that information in a blog post, you can start getting search engine traffic to it.

  1. Use Google Suggest to Find High-Traffic Blog Posts

Looking for more blog post topics that are likely to get a lot of traffic?

A quick and easy hack for finding keywords and identifying high traffic topics is by looking at the suggestions from Google.

Google suggest are the recommendations that appear as a drop-down when you type in a keyword before hitting enter. These are potential keywords you can use in your content to boost your rankings.

For instance, if you type in the search term keyword tool, Google will suggest topics like keyword tool chrome extension. This could be heading you would want to cover in your blog about keyword tools.

  1. Look at Related Searches for More Ideas

In addition to Google suggest, you can also look at the related searches offered by the search engine. When you type in a search term and hit enter, scroll to the bottom of the page. You’ll see more related searches by Google.

These also provide excellent keyword ideas that you can use in your content, as people are searching for these topics. They increase your chances of ranking on Google and will help bring in regular traffic to your site.

  1. Steal Ideas From Your Competitors

Do you want to stay ahead of the game? Then why not spy on what your competitors are doing and borrow some ideas?

By looking into what others in the industry are practicing, you can fine-tune your SEO practices, find the right keywords, and discover backlink opportunities.

To steal your competitor’s practices, we suggest investing in paid SEO tools and plugins. There are many options you can use, but the top two recommendations are of SEMrush and Ahref.

Both are powerful tools for finding insights about your competitors.

In SEMrush, you can paste a URL in its Domain Overview feature and click Search.

The tool will then give you instant information about the organic keywords, traffic, top-performing content, backlinks, and much more.

Next, you can see the topics your competitors are writing and are getting traffic. Using these topics, you can create a post on your website and steal their traffic.

You can also see the top organic keywords reports of your competitor. By using these keywords, you can increase your website traffic from search engines. Simply add them to your existing pages or create new posts around the keywords.

And if you’re into running paid advertisements (PPC), then SEMrush also gives you valuable insights about your competitors’ ads. You can pick their top paid keywords and look at the live display of their ads.

Using the data, you can create ads that perform better and drive more traffic to your website.

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