Timeless Sales Strategies Popular Sales Myths

Timeless Sales Strategies Popular Sales Myths

Timeless Sales Strategies – Firstly, we will tackle a couple of sales myths and how we should change our mindset by dispelling these false ideas from our minds.

The Best Products Don’t SELL Themselves!

Just because you have the best product in the world doesn’t guarantee that you will be rich.

Maybe you have heard of this term: build a better mousetrap, and the world will build a path to your doorstep.

We believe it rings true, because several decades ago, there really weren’t many products around. Yes, it is true that there are inventions like the light bulb or the discovery of electricity, but there really wasn’t much competition for the Nobel Prize (if
you get what we mean). Technology hasn’t reached the stage where innovation and ingenuity are conceptualized at today’s speed.

When the term was coined, there weren’t many ‘better’ mousetraps around.

Today in the 21st century, better mousetraps are built on a daily basis. Just because you have a better product, doesn’t mean that the product will automatically sell itself and make you rich!

In the past, people weren’t swamped with tons of advertising. Anything new or better was easily noticed by the masses because there wasn’t much competition.

Today, if you have a better vacuum cleaner, insurance plan or even a car that can fly, you are fighting an uphill battle against the masses of advertising campaigns and customer skepticism that it will take more than a few satisfied customers to make you

You will need to get the word out to the people. You can’t just sit still – you need to focus on constant education. You need to convey the benefits of your new product in such a way that people will want to buy YOUR brand over the other 24,197 competitors out there.

The most important of all, you must learn to stand out! Show them that you are different, better and extraordinary. You must have a unique selling point and you must tell the masses all about it.

Do whatever it takes to ‘shock’ your audience and give them something to remember. There are many ways to make money today but any industry that is profitable will attract many other competitors into the market.

For example:

If you are in network marketing, it doesn’t help if you keep on talking about how good your network marketing company is. It doesn’t matter how great their product is or how well is the company’s background.

If you are with a good company, they probably know how good your company is. But the key question is this – if we wanted to start a network marketing business, why should we join YOU and not the charismatic leader on stage with a thousand downlines in his team? In other words, what can YOU offer that will set you apart from the others?

(Remember, people join YOU, not just the company!)

Welcome to “Timeless Sales Strategies”

Regards, Coyalita

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