The Complete Guide to Influencer Marketing Strategies Templates n Tools

The Complete Guide to Influencer Marketing: Strategies, Templates & Tools Free eBook

The Complete Guide to Influencer Marketing Strategies Templates n Tools“Influencer marketing is getting others to share your story, generate interest, and make your case.”

Welcome to The Complete Guide to Influencer Marketing: Strategies, Templates and Tools – a manual for marketers looking to build or expand their influencer programs.

Here we’ve gathered some of the smartest practices in the industry, using codified templates and vetted tools to assist you through your journey.

Although you may already know why you need an influencer marketing program (and, if you don’t, see the next page), the looming question remains: How do I even begin to build one? So, we’re here to help you build a manageable, measurable and scalable program regardless of your level of expertise.

Keep reading to learn more; we’re here to help.

Making the Case for Influencer Marketing While the passion and desire may exist for building an influencer marketing program, there are some common barriers many companies face when trying to start a program, including awareness of what influencers are and a basic understanding of how influencer marketing programs work.

To help you justify such a program within your organization, here are a few insights and talking points from the experts that you can leverage as you make your case.

To quote a recent article published by Amanda Maksymiw, “As marketers are looking to turn up their content marketing efforts, many are turning to influencers to help take content to the next level. Why?

Influencers can lend credibility to a piece of content or brand. They can help amplify reach and awareness which, in turn, helps ensure that the desired target audience will consume the content.

Companies can also piggyback on an influencer’s brand to get a jump-start on developing their own brand preference and thought leadership in the market.”

This method of tapping into influencers to help amplify your content marketing strategy is otherwise known as “influencer marketing.” It’s a pretty straightforward concept when you think about it:

Influencers have a pre-established audience who are already receptive to their ideas and recommendations; they are valued by your consumers;

Influencers have a built-in level of trust with their readers, one that’s essentially impossible for a brand to build. So, they will forge these strong connections on your behalf and help you build credibility.

They can help you create the right content that really meets your consumer’s needs, because they have “on the ground” experience and perspective; and

By partnering with them, you’re able to get your brand messages out in the right way, at the right time, to the right people.

Why does my company need an Influencer Marketing program?

There are dozens of reasons your company could benefit from investing in an influencer marketing program.
Here are just a few eye-opening facts from a recent Branderati report; 26 Stats Marketers Should Know:

Boost your reputation and build better connections!

  As a brand you will never have the ability to truly connect with your consumer in the ways that an
influencer can.

  “Customers referred by other customers have a 37% higher retention rate.” (Deloitte)

  “Offers shared by trusted advocates convert at a 3x-10x higher rate than offers sent by brands.” (Zuberance)

  “Brand advocates are 70% more likely to be seen as a good source of information by people around them.” (Marketingcharts)

Keep up with your peers

Social Media Today reports “74% of global marketers reported they will use ‘influence marketing’ as part of their marketing strategy in the next 12 months.

Break through the “clutter”

In this day and age of ever-cluttered newsfeeds, clogged inboxes and overloaded search results, messages that cut through all that will be those from trusted resources.

Like any of your content marketing strategies, however, achieving a successful influencer marketing program does not come without its challenges and complexities – and there is no silver bullet. We’ll discuss ways to overcome these in the sections to follow.

2. Identify the Goals of Your Influencer Marketing Strategy

Just as you need a strategy for your content marketing program, you also need one for your influencer marketing program (especially when you think about how fast-growing the practice of influencer marketing is for your peers – and competitors.)

Before launching your influencer program, you need to understand — and document — what you specifically want to accomplish. Said another way: How will your influencer marketing program help you achieve your business goals?

These objectives can and should change by program, as well. For instance, your objectives may be dramatically different during a new influencer marketing program vs. your program in year two.

Some potential objectives to consider or use as a starting point to build your own list of goals:

Brand awareness: How many people viewed, downloaded, or listened to this piece of content because of the influencer?

Engagement: How resonant is this content, and how often is it shared with others? How is the influencer helping to increase sharing?

Lead generation: How is the influencer helping to convert people into valuable leads?

Lead nurturing: Does interaction with the influencer help move a lead closer to a sale?

Sales: Did you make money because of this content shared by the influencer? What revenue or ROI can we apply to this program?

Customer retention/loyalty: How can an influencer help retain a customer?

Upsell / cross-sell: Is there a way to use an influencer to help someone become more invested in your business?



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