Easy Cash Blueprint Step 3 Send Traffic to Your Site

Easy Cash Blueprint Step 3 Send Traffic to Your Site and Profit

Easy Cash Blueprint Step 3 Send Traffic to Your Site and Profit Now that you have a product to sell, and a site to sell it, you just need traffic.

I only use 2 or 3 different methods of generating traffic to my site. Usually if I cannot get these to work, then the product is becoming more trouble then it’s worth and it is time to move on to another one.

– Joint ventures

Joint ventures are one of my favorite ways to get traffic, simply because you only pay for results.

And yes, you can do joint ventures with PLR content. Why would they even care? As long as it sells and it is a good quality product, then people will want to promote it.

One way to get a lot of people promoting your site is to offer huge commissions, like 70-100% and you make your money on the second offer OTO that I was talking about earlier.

Or use Clickbank.com as your processor and use their affiliate program. I believe you can give 75% commissions to their 100k plus strong affiliate force.

People will promote, and take most of the first sales money, and you take all of the profits from the second sale and beyond.

Like I said earlier, if you do not have to make any money up front on the first product, then it is very simple to generate traffic.

– Pay for clicks

I don’t really mess around with the free methods anymore (except for joint ventures of course).

It is much easier and less work to just buy the traffic.

– Use PPC (and PPC doesn’t mean AdWords, there are lots of PPC advertising opportunities out there)

– Buy from web sites directly (Like the web sites who have 1st position on the PPC search engines)

– Advertise In Ezines

– Search for targeted ad networks via google.com

– etc.

Here is what I do…

– Set up the web site and get it selling.

– Get some JV partners to promote it (I have yet to sell a product that other people wouldn’t promote)

– Use the money made to buy ads like PPC or on web sites directly that have to do with what I am selling.

I also often use 100% limited time sales to promote these reports.

The concept of a 100% commission sale involves giving affiliates 100% of the initial sale and making your money on the upsell and downsell.

You basically start off selling a product of some sort either using a nickel sale format where you would start the price low (like $5) and the price increases by $0.05 every 20 or 30 minutes- or you could sell the product at a fixed price of something low like $7 or $9.97.

When somebody buys, they are automatically enrolled in your affiliate program where they can promote your site and make 100% of the sale. This would be the $5 nickel sale that keeps increasing, or the $9.97 whichever you are doing. The money is instantly deposited into their PayPal account.

This makes it very attractive for people to promote you, so the traffic is built into the equation.

Whenever somebody buys, they are sent to the upsell page which sells another product that you (the owner) get all the money for. I always sold the upsell at $27 or so, but there is no one way to do it. I have seen $7 upsells, and $97 upsells. It just depends on what you have to sell that is related to the first product you are selling.

The upsell page is usually portrayed as a one-time offer page. The visitor only gets to see this page once and makes a decision whether to buy it or not. This creates urgency. The only way they can see it again is if they buy the first product again.

If they do not want to buy that page, you can have a “No Thanks” link at the bottom which takes them to the downsell.

The downsell is another offer that is cheaper than the upsell. So, if your upsell is $27, your down sell may be $17.

Downsells are very popular in telemarketing. Telemarketers will often sell them a product, then go for the upsell and if the customer says no, they try for the downsell.

The Simple Commission software program that came with this report can be used to do a 100% commission sale easily.

If you get some affiliates promoting your sale for 100% commissions, you can make some big money on the upsell/downsell and add hundreds/thousands of customers to your customer list.

Getting traffic isn’t rocket science… Get others to promote your product for big commissions and use the money you make to buy ads on other sites and PPC.

Best Wishes, Coyalita

See Tomorrow: “Conclusion”


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