Exploring Joint Ventures on a Forum

Exploring Joint Ventures on a Forum

Exploring Joint Ventures on a Forum I would like to talk more specifically about forming a specific relationship with someone else on a forum that also has something they are promoting or selling. These types of people do not need to be seen as your “competition,” in fact the both of you are able to help each other!

Say for example, I am participating in a dog forum where I am promoting a book, I wrote on dog obedience. I could form a relationship with someone selling a dog food product. I could sell his product to my list of people, and he could sell mine to his list! Talk about a mutually beneficial relationship!

In the business world, this is called a joint venture, and they are a fantastic way to expand your business.

Not only can you sell products through each other but forming friendships with these kinds of people will allow you to share marketing ideas, frustrations, and more. It can even lead to you pulling your resources together to make a product!

Please view video #17 to learn more about joint venture opportunities on a forum.

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