Chatbot Marketing Mastery

Learn the Secrets of Marketing with Chatbots

Chatbot Marketing Mastery – With sites like Facebook and Kik opening their platforms to automated messaging for companies, chatbots have really exploded in popularity.

Facebook went from zero chatbots in February 2016 to 18,000 by July of the same year. Kik had approximately 300,000,000 registered users, and those users exchanged 350,000,000 automated messages with the platform in the first seven months of its chatbot.

You’ve probably seen chatbots in action. They are on all sorts of websites, from major retail chains to mobile phone service providers and many other types of sites and apps.

At first, you might think you’re talking to a real person. Usually, a popup appears with a picture of an agent, along with a name. The “agent” asks something like, “May I help you with anything?” Or, “Do you have any questions?”

Chatbots use artificial intelligence that is often quite advanced to answer many questions a user might have, and in the event that the bot is unable to help the user, it will usually as the user to call, email, or fill out a support form, or perhaps to check a F.A.Q. page.

Chatbots are quite advanced, and many of them can almost manage to fool users into thinking they are speaking to a real person. This is beneficial, because it allows companies to lower their overhead by using chatbots to replace customer service agents in many circumstances, and only when the chatbot is unsuccessful in helping the customer must a real agent step in.

Chatbots have a few drawbacks, but they also have many benefits. In this guide, you’re going to learn more about how chatbots can be used for marketing, and whether or not chatbots are a good fit for your business.

So, let’s get started.

Benefits of Chatbots

Chatbots are very useful for a lot of different applications—from simple user contact, to answering questions, and even helping the sales process along.

One of the biggest benefits of using Chatbots is that you can have fewer actual employees, because chatbots can take care of a lot of issues that might take up time from paid employees. This frees up paid employees for more important tasks, and allows them to have more time to help customers with major issues.

This benefits customers, too, because they can get answers to questions and help with problems much faster than they might if they ended up contacting customer service through traditional means.

Bots can also provide you with extremely valuable information about your customers if you log those conversations and analyze them, because you can see the types of questions they are asking. Never overlook those logs as a way to find out more about them.

Drawbacks of Chatbots

Of course, chatbots have a few drawbacks, too. No technology is perfect, and bots are no exception.

The biggest drawback is that artificial intelligence, no matter how advanced it may be, is not yet at the level that can replace actual humans. This inevitably leads to failure to help customers sometimes, which may end up frustrating the user enough that they leave your site. This is rare, but it can happen, so you must make sure your chatbot can direct customers to live help when needed.

Many bots are poorly programmed because they have been rushed to market to take advantage of the surge in chatbot use, so you must be on the lookout for this, as well. The cheapest solution isn’t always the best, so it’s vital that you test your chatbot thoroughly to make sure there are no problems with it that could end up frustrating your customers.

Read More Inside…

Are Chatbots Right For You?

Your customer service agents are overwhelmed.

You have a high rate of shopping cart abandonment.

Customers keep asking the same questions over and over.

Your business is oriented toward service.

Ways to Use Chatbots

Content Delivery

Making Sales

Customer Service

Chatbot Solutions






Chatbots can provide real-time engagement that is available instantaneously, which is something that even the most well-staffed company is rarely able to do.

While chatbots can’t replace all staff, they can certainly help you cut down on the number of times your support staff has to answer basic questions simply because customers don’t read the F.A.Q. pages or missing information on sales pages.

They can also provide feedback from customers that can help you streamline your sales and customer service processes and make things easier for future customers.

If your business falls into one of the types of businesses that might find a bot useful, or even if you just think a bot would be a good fit, give it a try. If nothing else, you may find out some valuable information about your customers.

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Regards, Coyalita

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