Timeless Sales Strategies Advertising Spamming!

Timeless Sales Strategies Advertising Spamming

Timeless Sales Strategies Advertising Spamming! There are many out there who paste a whole bunch of flyers, brochures, name cards, sign boards and pointless advertising out there hoping to score some sales or get strangers to call them. 

This is soooo… 90s (or even 80s).

Ask yourself this question… If an expert in Internet marketing decides to paste a sign board on top of a tree – do you think his prospects will respect him if they see that sign?

Definitely not! Neither would your prospects respect you if you did the same!

It is also pointless to put name cards or flyers all over town hoping that people will see your name card or your flyers and somehow, be impressed by it and call you up with a credit card in hand, ready to buy.

History has shown that any form of advertising without a proper way to track your sales only leads to ineffective marketing or worse – a waste of money!

Unless you are some sort of corporate giant like Coca Cola, advertising campaigns that do not solicit DIRECT RESPONSE is a surefire way to burn a hole in your wallet.

Regards, Coyalita

Just use your name and valid email address – I will never sell or share your email address with anyone. NeverYou may unsubscribe anytime. I hate spam just as much as you do.

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