Hello fellow internet marketers.

Please read this to the end and you’ll find it very useful, it’s not that long I just made the letters big, so you don’t have to get too close to your screen.

I started trying to make money online 3 years ago, I tried everything, I joined each type of programs and websites out there, I learned the basic of making money online, how to advertise, how to get traffic and I made some money here and there but I spent more than I made.

I joined some training programs and I read some teaching eBooks, but they didn’t give me all what I need, there was always something missing. For example, everywhere they told you The Money is in The List and it’s 100% right, without a list
fail but they don’t tell you how to build that list, the technics and details, how to speak to your list because they are people not just emails.

Another very important element is Traffic, the blood circle of internet marketing, how to bring people to see your offer, they show you some traffic sources but they don’t give you the big ones the ones that brings high quality traffic, people that are looking for what you’re offering with the money in their hands to spend. I tried using what I know but it wasn’t enough then I stopped internet marketing.

After 3 years I am sure of one thing…
To be successful marketer, you need to have:

That is for me the best way of making money by selling other people’s products, imagine being very good at that.

We all receive a lot of emails with making money opportunities, but most of them are always the same B.S with no solid results.

And This is the reason why we need to Set up a system that provides real value for our subscribers and followers. I will Give you in this report a complete step by step Guide on how to make money online from scratch.

Build Your First List.

A list of email subscribers that you have to build a relationship with, share some valuable content and tips with.

The people on your list already know who you are. We shall target the internet marketing and make money online niches since it’s a very big niche and one of the easiest to start with as a newbie, it will also teach you a lot of things and there are lots of new people entering into this area on a daily basis.

After you build your first list, you can then leverage that list and turn it into thousands of new subscribers over the next several weeks.

What we will discuss next is how to start your first small list.

You need an auto-responder

The first and most important thing you will need to build and manage your mailing list is an autoresponder. An autoresponder is a tool that lets you send e-mails out to large groups of people, which stores your addresses and that lets you easily manage them. Autoresponders also allow you to easily build your own opt-in forms which are the little forms you’ll place on your site for people to join up.

This is the service that will allow you to market your list after they subscribe from your landing page/squeeze page.

I only recommend two autoresponders that are very popular and mostly the big marketers are using them, which are:

1. Aweber if you want to use aweber Click Here
2. Getresponse if you want to use Getresponse Click Here

Both of Them offer 1 Free Month trial.

After you register as an auto responder you will also need landing pages and sales pages.

I don’t Recommend Paying a Monthly Fee for page Builders.

I Recommend Owning Your Pages Check These Out >>



Note: Landing page is just a single page including only

Headlines and Call to Action

Let us assume that you already know how to create landing pages but if you totally don’t have any idea, I will show you a picture of a landing page (See Image Below)

Headline: By creating headlines, you should attract your visitor to input their email address.

Call to action: this is where visitors can input their email and should be redirected to you thank you page where he will be presented Paid offers.

Domain Names and Web Hosting

Domain names and web hosting aren’t actually necessary. In theory, you can get all your new subscribers directly through advertising and social media. That said though, it’s advisable that you get web hosting and a domain name to get more conversions and to make your mailing list seem that much more professional.

Of course, the vast majority of people reading this will know precisely what this means and what the usefulness of domain names and web hosting is… but just in case you’re scratching your head: the domain name is the web address you will use (www.subscribetomymailinglistlpease.com), whereas the web hosting means you’ll have space on the web in order to store files.

You need web hosting to have a website in other words and then you’ll need a domain name as a means for people to locate and view those files.

Most hosting packages also provide domain names and getting both at the same time will help you to keep things simple and to save money.

There are thousands of different hosting services out there with different strengths and weaknesses in each case. The one that I’m going to recommend for the purposes of this book is Blue Host.

Bluehost is a large and well-known hosting provider with reasonable rates and an excellent quality service. It also comes packed with useful features.

WordPress is extremely easy to install (WordPress is a tool that helps you build and edit websites) while you’ll also get a control panel with easy access to a file manager, e-mail client and more.

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Regards, Coyalita

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