IM Business Models How to Get Accepted into a CPA Network

IM Business Models How to Get Accepted into a CPA Network

“One of the tougher parts of CPA marketing is that you need to be ‘accepted’ into the network and into the specific deal.” (“CPA Marketing”)

To make sure that they are offering their clients the absolute best service, CPA networks make sure to vet the publishers they work with closely. (“CB Passive Income 4.0 Review – Google Search”) They want to make sure that you are representing the offers you are promoting well and that the brands they work with will be proud to be associated with your business.

All this means that if you have a website that looks like it was made by a 13-year-old, you are going to struggle. “Likewise, if you have no prior experience or examples of your work then you may also struggle.” (“CB Passive Income 4.0 Review – Google Search”)

So, the solution is to make sure that you have a reliable website where you can demonstrate to those networks that you are delivering excellent value and you are reaching a larger audience. This does mean that CPA might not be the best choice for those who are starting out with their first online business model – as they will need to build up some traction first. (“CPA Marketing”)

“Another tip for getting accepted into CPA networks is to pick up the phone and give them a call.” (“IM Review: CB Passive Income 4.0 Review – Blogger”) Ask to speak with an affiliate manager and this way you can put forward your compelling case for why you think you should be accepted. This fast tracks you and it is certainly much quicker and easier than waiting for lots of emails to come through. (“CPA Marketing”)

To Your Success, Coyalita

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