“Discover How This Email Formatter Software Can Help Improve Your Email Marketing Efforts Greatly!”

Here’s What This Email Formatter Does:

  • Creates well-formatted text in literally just seconds
  • Standardizes the look of your emails and other text documents.
  • Makes the task of preparing your emails for your subscribers a breeze.
  • Copies your formatted text unto any program like Notepad, your HTML editor, MS Word and your autoresponder broadcast feature.
  • Helps improve your Email Marketing campaigns.

What’s Included:

Mini-site Templates

  • Sales page Template 2
  • Squeeze Page 2
  • Squeeze Page Template w/ Video
  • Sales Page template 2
  • Images
  • Graphics
  • Email Formatter Written Tutorial
  • Software

May This Software Bring Your Marketing Efforts to A Higher Level!


Giveaway Rights To The Software Worth $27

And to make this even more irresistable, I’m going to give you the Giveaway Rights (Worth $27) to this software which allows you to be able to distribute it freely to your either your subscribers or your prospects.

You can use it to add value to your subscribers and keep them happy or use it as an ethical bribe to get people to opt- in to your list.

It’s completely up to you!

So don’t hate yourself for missing out on this crazy opportunity!  A $127 Value ONLY $ 42



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