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Guide to Self-Publishing Success

Guide to Self-Publishing SuccessStep #1: Write Your eBook Publishing is what you do after you’ve written a book. It has to come after the actual writing process, which sort of puts it on the back burner for any writer or author whose book is still a work in progress.

No matter what you write, you do have an audience and they will read your book if you put it out there and promote it effectively.

But ultimately, the quality of the book will have a direct effect on how successful it will be following publication. I doubt that any writer will disagree with stressing the importance of this step in the publishing process — the writing is arguably the heart of everything when it comes to publishing your first book. This is the step that will likely take the most time, care, inspiration, editing, skill and talent.

If you plan on self-publishing your own book or ebook as a debut author, you’ll certainly have your work cut out for you once your work is finished. But perhaps surprisingly, very little of that work will involve further writing. It focuses on and demands efforts in several different areas, but writing is not among the most important.

Being successful in self-publishing your own books require an individual who is somewhat a jack of all trades, unless you have the money to shell out for professional services to take care of editing, cover design, printing and publicizing your book.

In order to avoid being labeled as vanity published, I think it’s best to take on as much of the project as you can realistically commit to. This is just my personal opinion, but it makes sense to me for an independent author to be, well, just that — truly independent.

4 Important Elements of the Writing Process

1. Writing fits into your daily life in a practical way.

When do you find time to write?

How do you manage to write at least a little bit each day, without having to take significant time from other important aspects of your life?

What writing exercises do you make daily habits?

2. Finding inspiration and topics for your writing.

What do you write about?

What genre are you most comfortable with, fiction or non-fiction?

What do you readers want, and how can you deliver in a way that brings them back for your next book?

Who is your audience and what appeals to them?

Learn more here: 10 Effective Steps to Amazingly Inspirational Writing

3. Developing a long-term writing plan.

Are you writing a memoir, or will this be your first book in a series of fiction novels?

How long do you want your first book to be, or is that important within your genre?

Who are your characters and how do you plan on developing them?

If you’re writing non-fiction, how will your first book introduce the topics you are likely to write books about in the future?

What is your writing strategy for setting yourself apart from other writers in your genre?

Have you started brainstorming ideas for a title? Learn more here: 10 Questions to Ask Before Writing Your Book

4. Editing, proofreading and revising.

If you’re not hiring an editor, what is your plan for editing your book to look as professional as possible?

Have you read through your entire book to check for errors, typos or awkwardness in grammar?

Has anyone else read through it as well?

 Have you spell checked the entire manuscript?

Have you removed words that are unnecessary and taken out parts that bog down the writing?

How often have you revisited the writing to make appropriate revisions?

Learn more here: 10 Proofreading Tips to Ensure Your Self-Published Works are Flawless

Ideas for Your Fiction eBook
Collection of short stories
Fiction novel
Fiction series
Collection of poetry

Ideas for Your Non-Fiction eBook
Collection of your most popular blog posts
A how-to guide, tutorial or course
A personal journal or memoir (Journal Writing Tools and Resources)
 Compilation of essays, research or opinion writing

Have a writing idea that’s not quite long enough to write a full-length book for?

Consider publishing a Kindle Single instead! Learn more here: How to Submit a Kindle Single

More ideas can be found here: eBook Ideas for Any Niche

Highly Recommended & Insightful Further Reading
 The Economics of Self-Publishing
 20 Companies That Will Get Your Book Printed
 How to Self-Publish an eBook

Inspiration. What do you know best? Writing what you know is easy when you’re an expert in a specific niche or when you are aware of your passions or favorite genres. It’s important to be familiar with your strengths as a writer and as a creative individual.

Lots of content written for your book. Make it the best you possibly can, put everything into it.

If you can afford to hire a professional editor to proofread and edit your manuscript, do it! Otherwise, be prepared to spend some time on doing it yourself. Reach out to those you know for help with this, as they are sure to catch errors you miss and make suggestions to strengthen the parts of your writing that could use some improvement.

Write an outline for your book, especially if it’s non-fiction. Sometimes writing the outline BEFORE you write the book can be very useful for planning and organizing the content. Use it to streamline the writing process.

Search the internet and do some research about self-publishing a novel. Read blogs written by successful writers like J.A. Konrath, they offer a wealth of information to publishing newbies.

Read More Inside…

Step #2: Prepare and Format Your eBook Files

Step #3: Design a High-Quality Cover Art for Your eBook

Step #4: Upload eBook to Sales Distribution Channels & Set Price

Step #5: Effectively Market & Promote Your eBook

Step #6: Social Media Presence & Author Branding

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Regards, Coyalita

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