10 Strategies to Online Success: How to Use the Internet to Expand Your Business & Win New Customers

The competition is fierce when it comes to the world of online marketing and web design, and I’m sure it is very easy for a consumer like yourself to feel confused and overwhelmed with all the information out there.

What’s good? What’s not so good? What’s old school or what’s going to work now and for the foreseeable future?

What’s honest advice and what’s misleading advice?

I wrote this short eBook with you, the recipient in mind. You might be an operations manager with a small telecommunications company, you might be a health & wellness practitioner, or you might be an entrepreneur building your new business.

Whatever your position, chances are good that you spend your days serving your customers (as you should be) and not online trying to figure out how you can leverage the power of the Internet to attract new clients and expand your business.

As a person who practically lives online, I have often come across ideas and techniques that are great for setting up your online presence and promoting your business online, and ones that are not so great.

Have you heard the online terms “white hat” and “black hat” techniques?

If not, can you guess what they mean?

White hat can also be defined as “best practices”. Black hat can also be defined as “manipulative practices.”

People who know me, know I am a “white hat” kind of gal. While working in the corporate world for over 16 years (did I just say that out loud?), I often heard the term “best practices”, and that worked well for me because it truly aligned with my way of doing business then, and now.

Being online on a daily basis has taught me a lot about the best practices to use when you want to use the Internet to build a winning website for your business, as well as other popular online marketing ideas that you can and should be using.

The intention of this guide is to share with you, in a simplified, easy to read format, the best practices for you to follow, as well as what practices to avoid as you use the Internet to expand the online presence of your business and win new customers that are already online looking for your products or services.

Before we move on let’s start with a quick online test. You can consider this a bonus tip.

Keyword Phrases That Apply to Your Business.

What is your business area of expertise? Dentist? Naturopath? Optometrist, etc.?

What will other people type into Google when they search for your business?

For example, if you are a dentist let’s say in Calgary, someone in Calgary looking for a new dentist may go to Google and type: Calgary dentist. This is known as a keyword phrase.

A keyword phrase, for those that are unfamiliar, are the words that a person may use to find your business online.

Okay… you give it a try.

Open your Internet Browser and go to Google.

Type in a phrase that applies to your business and see where your website shows up in the list of results.

If you do not currently have a website for your business, use a phrase that applies to a business that you know, and see if their site comes up.

Please note, if you use your company name as your search phrase your website will typically show up on the first page of results.

But if I am new to Calgary for example, and don’t know your company name, I will be using a phrase such as “Calgary dentist” to find you.

Therefore, it is more important that your website is designed around the keyword search phrases that potential customers would use, and not simply around your business name.

Now, let’s move on to your 10 Strategies to Online Success!


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