Breakthrough Sales Solutions

Breakthrough Sales Solutions – 1 Advertise your web site with banner ads that are animated and include a call to action. You must grab people’s attention and get them to click. For example, you could have flashing lights like they use in Las Vegas. Another example, you could use “Click Here Now” or “Click Here To Visit”.

2 Use pop-up windows or advertisements on your web site. They grab your visitor’s attention because they jump right out at them. For example, you could use one to get people to subscribe to your free e-zine. Another example, you could offer them a surprise bonus for buying in the next few minutes with a timer counting down.

3 Buy Internet business books, e-books, private site memberships, etc. Study and learn all the new web site promotional ideas you can. For example, take notes either while you’re reading the e-book, or afterwards. Write down a list of tips you could apply or use for your own business.

4 Analyze all your promotional efforts. Concentrate on the ones that work and drop the ones that don’t. Don’t waste your valuable time. For example, if you have an affiliate program that hasn’t made a sale for two months, drop it or test a different ad. You want all of the ‘real estate’ space on your web site making some kind of profit for your business.

5 Get the most from each one of your visitors. Ask them to subscribe to your e-zine, participate on your message board, bookmark your site, etc. One of the most effective ways to persuade people to do anything is to give them a freebie or strong benefit for taking the action you want them to.

For example,

“Get 4 Free Profitable E-books For Subscribing To

My E-zine!”

Chapter 2

6 Use text links if your banner ads are not pulling traffic. People don’t ignore text links as much as they do banner ads. You should treat your text link like a sales letter headline. For example, “How To

…”, “FREE…”, “Breaking News!….” “Warning!….”,

“….Exposed!” etc.

7 Trade content with other e-zine publishers or web sites. This is a powerful and effective way to place your links on other targeted web sites. For example, trade articles with other e-zine publishers. Another example, you could trade free e-books and give them away to each other.

8 Keep your product available for your customers at all times. If you have to back-order it, they may end up canceling their order. For example, you could say on your web site “Always In Stock”, “Products On Hand”, ” No Shipping Delays”, “Always Available”, etc.

9 Use content on your web site which people can skim through easily. Most people don’t have much time so try using lists, short tips, short articles, etc.

For example,

*How To….

*5 Ways To….


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Regards, Coyalita

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